
NY Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Wife Reaches Out to ‘LGBTQI’ Youth and Reminds Them She Used to be a Lesbian

- Oktober 08, 2019

[Screenshot from Twitter, https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1181582167123595264]


On Tuesday, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s wife announced she’s supporting gay and transgender youth through a new program.

Chirlane McCray wants all of said group to realize she knows what it’s like — after all, she used to be a lesbian.

According to the New York Post, she conveyed the message to Spectrum News NY1:

“When I came to New York City, long ago back in 1977, I identified as a lesbian, so I know intimately the struggles that young people have had. I was not rejected by my family like so many of these young people are, but it’s really difficult.”

Her new endeavor couples the public-private NYC Center for Youth Employment organization with the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development.

It’ll aid 16- to 25-year-old “runaway and homeless youth who are often LGBTQI.”

How? By placing them in paid internships, offering job training, and providing mental health assistance.

Chirlane’s not letting any cats out of the bag just now; in 1979, she penned an article for Essence magazine titled “I Am a Lesbian.”

Very clear title.

So how’d she end up hooking up with that mayoral steed Bill? According to a New York Daily News article, it was by “putting aside the assumptions [she] had about the form and package [her] love would come in.”

Maybe it was also his commanding presence — in January, he touted taking people’s money from them and giving it to the people he preferrs to have it (here).

Maybe he stole her heart, like he’s promised to steal Americans’ rifles when he’s elected president (here).

It might’ve been his generous spirit: He told illegal immigrants in July that New York is “[their] city” (here).

Or it could’ve simply been his outright manliness: In April, he eyed removing everyone else’s wieners.

Hot dogs, that is (here).

Whatever the reason, Bill and Chirlane clicked.

But that’s not to say she’s straight — in 2016, she laid it out for Vice:

“I believe there is a fluidity that we are only just now growing to be more accepting of and aware of because people do like to put people in boxes. … I am just living my life.”



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