
RINO Senator Susan Collins Slams President Trump For ‘Asking China to Investigate’ Joe Biden

- Oktober 05, 2019

Susan Collins

RINO Senator Susan Collins (ME) criticized President Trump for asking China to investigate Joe Biden and his crooked, drug-addled son Hunter.

In 2013 Hunter Biden was trying to form a Chinese private equity fund. Hunter took a trip to China with then-Vice President Joe Biden where he met with bankers and 10 days later Shanghai authorities issued Hunter the funds business license.

President Trump is correct to be bringing the Biden crime family’s corruption to light when he asked Ukraine and China to look into the Bidens.

Rather than criticizing Joe Biden, RINO Senator Susan Collins slammed Trump for exposing the corruption.

“Should the articles of impeachment come to the Senate — and right now I’m going to guess that they will — I will be acting as a juror as I did in the Clinton impeachment trial,” Susan Collins told Bangor Daily News.

Via Bangor Daily News:

The Maine senator was unequivocal in her statements, which came after a firefighters memorial service in Augusta on Saturday morning, joining Mitt Romney, R-Utah, and Ben Sasse, R-Nevada, in breaking rank with GOP support for the president.

“I thought the president made a big mistake by asking China to get involved in investigating a political opponent,” Collins said. “It’s completely inappropriate.”

The president’s comments came days after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, announced a formal impeachment probe into his attempt to solicit foreign help in an election, which is illegal and considered by many lawmakers to be a foundational threat to democracy.

Sen. Collins reiterated that she would not offer comment on the evidence, saying that not all of it is in yet, and that she hopes the impeachment process “will be done with the seriousness that any impeachment proceeding deserves.”

Susan Collins joined two other RINO Senators who recently criticized President Trump – Senator Mitt Romney (UT) and Senator Ben Sasse (NE).

Even if the House of Representatives votes to impeach President Trump, 20 Republican Senators would have to flip on Trump in order to reach the required 67 votes to convict the president in the Senate.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who is up for reelection in 2020 has pushed back and vowed to block impeachment in this week’s fundraising advertisements.

Susan Collins is also up for reelection in 2020 so a vote to convict President Trump will put her Senate seat in danger.

The post RINO Senator Susan Collins Slams President Trump For ‘Asking China to Investigate’ Joe Biden appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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