
UPDATE: Anti-Trump CIA “Whistleblower” Reportedly TRAVELED WITH JOE BIDEN to Ukraine when Joe was VP

- Oktober 10, 2019

A CIA snitch filed a whistleblower complaint on August 12 over President Trump’s July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky where the two discussed ferreting out corruption which included the Biden crime family.

** The so-called “whistleblower” is a Democrat who had a “professional” tie to a 2020 Democrat.

** The “whistleblower” coordinated and took guidance from Adam Schiff’s staff and Schiff lied about it.

** Schiff’s staff recommended attorneys for the so called “whistleblower.”

** The “whistleblower’s” attorneys worked for James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and donated to Joe Biden.

** It was reported this week that one of the attorneys for the “whistleblower’s” is a member of the #Resistance.

** And earlier today we reported that the ‘whistleblower’ worked with Joe Biden in the executive branch when he was Vice President.

Now this…
Three current and former national security officials tell One America News that the CIA whistleblower likely accompanied Biden on one or more of his trips to Ukraine while Vice President.

Via Jack Posobiec:

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