
Weekend Roundup: The Internet is Back Up in Iran – News is Getting Out but the International Media is Still Downplaying the Scale of It All

- November 24, 2019

By Editors of The Free Iran Herald 

Now bringing you daily updates on the events unfolding in Iran

Following the international outcry against the Islamic regime’s authorities blocking the internet to Iranians nationwide and the sanctioning of Mohammad-Javad Azari-Jahromi, Tehran’s Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Internet in Iran has been restored.

In addition to having cut off Internet access, the regime is also exerting a censorship on journalists so severe now that even those who previously had worked within the regime’s press are going on strike against it. As a result, the regime is forced to rely on foreign sources for news of the protests. Lucky for the Khomeiniist officials, the international press, which is mostly left-leaning, slant toward the Islamic regime’s propaganda.

At the same time, the Supreme Leader’s proxy media outlet suggests targeting US/Saudi ‘strategic facilities’. Hossein Shariatmadari, firebrand honcho of the Supreme Leader’s mouthpiece newspaper, Kayhan suggested on Wednesday that targeting “strategic military and economy centers” of the US, Israel, France, and Saudi Arabia should be targeted and retaliated against for their alleged support of the Iranian protesters. He describes it as Iran’s legit right to do so. Meanwhile, Iranian protesters are demanding that they stop referring to themselves as ‘Iran’ as they neither represent the Iranian people, nor the Iranian nation’s interest, but that of a Shi’a cabal that is using Iran’s assets in order to wreak international havoc.

Hossein Shariatmadari, firebrand honcho of the Supreme Leader’s mouthpiece newspaper, Kayhan (Photo credit should read BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP via Getty Images)

Shariatmadari made the claim: “It’s possible to bring them to their knees through imposing heavy financial and military damage. Their sensitive and strategic military and economy centers are easily accessible.”  Shariatmadari did not offer details on how they would carry out such retaliation.

On Monday as well, Shariatmadari called for the execution of protesters. In a panic over the spread of anti-government protests in Iran, Kayhan, referring to Iranian civil rights protesters wrote: “Hoodlums should prepare for the noose…as their religious punishment is execution.”

In the interim, the regime is already planning on massacring the thousands they’ve arrested over the past week. The judiciary chief, Ebrahim Raisi, who oversaw the 1988 massacre of political prisoners, said today, before a gathering of Basij member, that “Under no circumstances will we allow the least amount of disruption.” Ahmad Khatami, another leading cleric, referred to the protestors as “corrupt on earth” (the highest level of crime under the Islamic regime’s laws) and called for their execution.

Meanwhile, news broke on Friday, that Massoud Molavi, an anti-regime Iranian journalist who had been living in exile in Istanbul, Turkey, was assassinated by regime agents on November 14th. Turkey, which is very friendly with the Tehran regime, has been the scene of multiple assassinations of Iranian dissidents for decades. Molavi was probably targeted because he had set up a computer hacking organization that pierced the Ministry of Information’s network and exposed some of the regime officials’ corrupt business dealings. Mohammad Jahromi, the above-mentioned Minister of Communications and I.T. is specifically being accused of having murdered Molavi.

The level of hatred and defiance the people feel towards the regime was shown today at the supreme leader’s weekly prayer service in Tehran, where only a few people turned up at what is usually a well-attended, via the rounding up of disinterested average citizens to form a crowd, event. While the Tehran prayer service went on, under heavy IRGC protection, prayer services in tens of other cities were cancelled due to fear of the protestors. In the prayer services that did occur, the clerics demanded that the Internet remain shut down, continued to blame the revolt on the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia, and excoriated the protestors for burning banks, which Iranians believe was done by regime agents themselves, to divide the people against each other.

Violence is still occurring, though video documentation. Eyewitnesses in Tehran say that the IRGC and demonstrators are still clashing on the streets. According to one doctor at a Tehran hospital, 100 people are being shot and injured every day.

On the sidewalk, a protester lays bleeding, likely shot to death by the regime’s security forces


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در پیاده‌روی مقابل دیده میشه که شخصی روی زمین افتاده و ازش خون زیادی رفته و کسی هم بالای سرش نیست. یعنی احتمالا کشته شده. بدون شرح زمان و مکان پخش شده. . این میزانسنی از فورد یا برتولوچی برای قاب‌بندی نیست یا صحنه‌یی از هیچکاک برای ایجاد دلهره این صحنه‌یی از خیابان‌های تهران است جسدی خونین در خیابان و هیاهویی که از آستانه می‌گذرد و شهروند عادی که از در نیمه باز فیلم می‌گیرد. شاهکار را حکومتی خلق کرده است که با جنگ و جنایت برسرکار آمد و با جنایت و جنگ خواهد رفت… این‌ها سینماها را آتش زدند و اکنون در سایه حکومت ننگین‌شان همه‌ی ایرانی‌ها فیلم‌ساز شده‌اند. متن از مصطفی عزیزی

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Esfahan is also said to be experiencing clashes. People in Malard, near Tehran, reported seeing what appeared to be a harsh battle during the night. 

Fighting is also occurring between Iranian demonstrators and imported foreign militia members the IRGC has brought to Iran to help them control the people. In one clash, 9 Kurdish mercenaries are said to have been captured by protestors in Sanandaj.

More than 352 deaths have been reported though the numbers are still developing. Hundreds of civilians have been killed and wounded and thousands have been detained following protests across the country.  So far, the total number of casualties that is known of has occurred in 43 cities, 15provinces.  

More of the young Iranians killed by the Islamic regime during the recent protests.

Now some international news is reporting facts about the methods employed by the Khomeinist authority in not only slaughtering Iranians but also controlling the way information gets out. On Saturday, November 23rd, The Telegraph, correctly reported that Iranian officials are ‘stealing bodies’ from morgues to hide true scale of government crackdown.

In the below tweet, armed plainclothes agents of the regime roam the streets in big groups to suppress protesters but targeting and shooting people on the spot.

And yet they still show up, at all hours of the day or night, in cities throughout Iran, to chant “Death to Khamenei!”

Below, women in Esfahan, accompanied by male protesters sit down in the middle of the road to stop them from them killing any other protesters. They ask the special forces: “Why do you want to shoot?” But the agents attacked the crowd with tear gas and pepper spray and beat them with batons.

Below, one protester writes a compatriot:

“What happened back in 2009 cannot hold a candle to the fury of the people, now. People have had enough, and they’ve run out of patience. In parts of the cities where mostly religious people reside, one could clearly hear people chanting “Death to Khamenei,” which was a surprise to me. Women wearing full hijabs were chanting slogans which floored us all.

In the Malard and Shahriar (suburbs of Tehran) people were being shot at (by security forces) from helicopters and yet people continued chanting.

In most of the areas where there were protests and people were arrested, they were taken to area schools and then transferred to detention centers. 

Such a movement without leadership is a sign of widespread public rage. The atmosphere in Tehran and cities like Shiraz, etc. is like martial law.

People should take their security into consideration and not be ignorant of the fact that the security forces are using taser or shooting people easily.

It is of utmost importance that foreign media, international organizations, etc. be prepared and respond rapidly.

People (in Iran) know that if they don’t protest, they will die a slow death of poverty and high prices.


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یکی از دوستان شرکت کننده در تظاهرات این چند روز می گفت : آن چه در سال ۸۸ اتفاق افتاد در برابر این چند روز شوخی بود و مردم تحملشان تمام شده بود . او می گفت در محلات مذهبی نشین شعار مرگ بر خامنه ای می دادند طوری که برای من تعجب آور بود . زن های چادری هم چنین شعارهایی می دادند و مردم کاملا بریده بودند . دوست من می گفت در ملارد و شهریار با هلیکوپتر به مردم تیراندازی می کردند و مردم باز شعار می دادند و تحملشان تمام شده بود . او می گفت در اکثر مناطقی که تظاهرات بود بازداشتی ها را به مدارس می بردند و بعد به بازداشتگاه انتقال می دادند . نکته مهم حرف های وی این بود که چنین جنبشی بدون رهبری نشان از نارضایتی بسیار گسترده مردم داشت . وی همچنان جو تهران را امنیتی و شهرهایی چون شیراز را مثل حکومت نظامی می دانست. با توجه به حرف هایش فکر می کنم مردم حتما باید نکات امنیتی را در نظر بگیرند و به این موضوع بی توجه نباشند چرا که نیروهای امنیتی بی رویه از شوکر استفاده می کنند و مردم را به راحتی به گلوله می بندند و معتقد بود عکس العمل سریع رسانه های خارجی و سازمان های بین المللی بسیار مهم است . دوستم می گفت مردم می دانند اگر اعتراض نکنند به مرور از گرانی و فقر خواهند مرد .

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Apace with the events in Iran, State Department officials starting with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook and spokesperson for the United States Department of State, Morgan Ortegus continue to tweet, issue statements and effectively get the word out.

Ironically, the Islamic regime’s foreign ministry summoned the Swiss ambassador in Tehran (the Swiss represent US interests in Iran since 1979) on Wednesday over US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s support for protesters. Tehran’s authorities bemoaned that the official US statements were an interference in Iran’s internal affairs.

Meanwhile, in places like Beirut and Lebanon in general, where the Islamic regime backed Hezbollah has practically taken hold of the entire country, protests against the Islamic regime and its proxy go on. Week four in those protests saw the symbol of the Lebanon Protests was burned by pro Hezbollah elements early morning. By late night, with thousands of Lebanese citizens cheering a similar symbol, twice the size was erected in its place in downtown Beirut. Symbolic gesture to send a message of resilience. The LebaneseRevolution seem to be determined to move forward, with non-violent means. They chant: The revolution Will Not Die (althawruh len tamuta) #TrueIndependence

And, in Iraq, Iraqi citizens feel solidarity with Iranian demonstrators. According to Radio France, protesters in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad say they are following protests in various Iranian cities with great interest and express solidarity with Iranians who have taken to the streets to gain their rights.

In Baghdad, photos of the Khomeinist Regime’s Supreme Leader is set on fire

Citizens of Iraq say they are following the ongoing protests in Iran carefully. According to them, the causes and motives of the protests in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon are the same, and the people of three countries have come to the streets in the face of costly living conditions, rampant corruption, inefficiency of the government and severe human and civil rights violations.

Despite continued crackdown on their demands, demonstrators in Iraq have been calling for the removal of government and party officials and political forces and militias in the country for weeks now.

Finally, the Iranian street is becoming a bi-partisan focal point. Unlike members of the Obama administration who chose to dodge support for Iranian protesters in 2009, a number of Democratic candidates did chime in to support protesters with nuanced tweets.

The post Weekend Roundup: The Internet is Back Up in Iran – News is Getting Out but the International Media is Still Downplaying the Scale of It All appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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