James Comey – Serial Leaker
Fired FBI Chief James Comey admitted in June 2017 during Congressional testimony that he leaked memos to his close friend Daniel Richman, a law professor at Columbia University, in order to push a special counsel against President Trump.
In April 2018 James Comey admitted that he leaked his private and likely classified memos with Patrick Fitzgerald last year when he was fired.
And now federal prosecutors are investigating whether fired FBI Director James Comey leaked classified information to reporters on the Clinton investigation back in 2016.
Talking Points Memo reported:
Federal prosecutors in Washington, D.C., are probing whether former FBI Director James Comey leaked classified information about a Russian intelligence document to reporters, The New York Times reported Thursday citing unnamed people familiar with the investigation.
Specifically, the Times reported, investigators are looking into at least two news articles about the document, which played a central role in Comey’s unusual 2016 decision to announce that Hillary Clinton would not face criminal charges for using a private email server as secretary of state.
The document has been described in various reports as a Russian intelligence analysis of a purported email sent from Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL), who was then the chair of the Democratic National Committee, to an official at George Soros’ organization, Open Societies Foundations. Some officials have suggested the document is purposeful Russian misinformation, the Times said.
The Russian analysis of the email reportedly stated that Wasserman-Schultz told the Soros official, Leonard Benardo, that then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch would make sure the probe into Clinton’s private email server wouldn’t conclude with charges against Clinton. Wasserman-Schuiltz and Bernardo, the Times noted, both deny being in contact with each other.
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