
DEMON PELOSI Pre-Ripped Trump’s SOTU Speech – As President Trump Mentioned Rush Limbaugh’s Lung Cancer Diagnosis (VIDEO)

- Februari 05, 2020

Demon Pelosi pre-ripped President Trump’s SOTU speech as he mentioned Rush Limbaugh’s stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis.

The President invited conservative radio icon Rush Limbaugh to Tuesday night’s SOTU to present him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Rush Limbaugh revealed earlier this week that he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer.

Pelosi doesn’t care about a fellow American suffering from cancer — she was too busy making small tears in Trump’s speech so she could dramatically rip up the speech at the end of the night.


Here’s full video of President Trump praising Rush Limbaugh and awarding him with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the US.

You can see Pelosi pre-ripping the speech as President Trump is talking about something as serious as cancer.

Pelosi is a classless, evil witch.


In an appalling lack of respect for the House, the country and the President, Speaker Pelosi ripped up President Trump’s SOTU speech.

The post DEMON PELOSI Pre-Ripped Trump’s SOTU Speech – As President Trump Mentioned Rush Limbaugh’s Lung Cancer Diagnosis (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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