
DISGUSTING: Mini-Mike Bloomberg Uses Obama-Era Kids in Cages to Attack Trump in #FakeNews Super Bowl Ad

- Februari 03, 2020

Mini-Mike Bloomberg blew a few million on a Super Bowl ad on Sunday to attack President Trump.

During his Super Bowl commercial that OBVIOUSLY was not vetted by FOX before airing in Bloomberg used images of Barack Obama-era kids in cages.

The photos were taken during the Obama years when Democrats supported kids in cages.
Bloomberg tried to pin this on President Trump.

What a liar. Bloomberg is no better than the others.

Here are the photos — via Daily Caller.

And here’s Bloomberg’s ad.

More from Jack Posobiec.

The post DISGUSTING: Mini-Mike Bloomberg Uses Obama-Era Kids in Cages to Attack Trump in #FakeNews Super Bowl Ad appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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