
What the Hell, FOX News?… Leaked FOX News Internal Memo Refers to Hannity, John Solomon and Rudy Giuliani as “Disinformation”

- Februari 06, 2020

FOX News REALLY hates their audience.
A leaked internal memo obtained by the far left Daily Beast and Law and Crime refers to Hannity and Rudy Giuliani as “disinformation.”

Via Jack Posobiec:

The 162-page memo, entitled “Ukraine, Disinformation, & the Trump Administration,” created by Bryan S. Murphy, slams Rudy Giuliani, investigative journalist John Solomon and top ranked FOX News host Sean Hannity.

It is not clear what Bryan Murphy considers “disinformation” but Rudy Giuliani John Solomon’s reporting includes Ukrainian documents and testimony from Ukrainian officials.

FOX News better have a good explanation for this.
FOX News viewers don’t like being lied to.
And they especially don’t like blanket smears against their favorite conservatives based on garbage reporting.

The Daily Beast reported:

An internal Fox News research briefing book obtained by The Daily Beast openly questions Fox News contributor John Solomon’s credibility, accusing him of playing an “indispensable role” in a Ukrainian “disinformation campaign.”

The document also accuses frequent Fox News guest Rudy Giuliani of amplifying disinformation, as part of an effort to oust former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, and blasts Fox News guests Victoria Toensing and Joe diGenova—both ardent Trump boosters—for “spreading disinformation.”

The 162-page document, entitled “Ukraine, Disinformation, & the Trump Administration,” was created by Fox News senior political affairs specialist Bryan S. Murphy, who produces research from what is known as the network’s Brain Room—a newsroom division of researchers who provide information, data, and topic guides for the network’s programming.

The research brief is especially critical of Solomon, a former opinion columnist at The Hill whose opinion pieces about Ukraine made unsubstantiated claims about its government interfering in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Solomon’s pieces for The Hill fueled Giuliani’s efforts to dig up dirt in Ukraine, which eventually helped lead to President Donald Trump’s impeachment. Trump has also frequently cited Solomon’s questionable reporting on Twitter in his own defense.

Read the rest here.

The post What the Hell, FOX News?… Leaked FOX News Internal Memo Refers to Hannity, John Solomon and Rudy Giuliani as “Disinformation” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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