
Video of Dr. Fauci in 2009 is Unearthed – Shows a Calm and Unalarmed NIH Chief During H1N1 Epidemic that Killed Over 12 Thousand Americans

- Maret 22, 2020

In April 2009 to April 2010 the H1N1 “Swine Flu” swept across the United States.  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that that during the outbreak there were 60.8 million cases in the US, 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths.

In September 2009, after there were already at least 593 confirmed deaths by the H1N1 flu, a relaxed and unalarmed Dr. Anthoney Fauci from the NIH downplayed the seriousness of the outbreak and told an interviewer that people just need to “use good judgement.”

Via M. Catharine Evans at American Thinker.

Dr. Fauci: “Parents should not send their kids to school if they’re sick, if you’re sick don’t go to work … avoid places where there are people who are sick and coughing, now that’s a difficult thing to do,” he said. “…You can’t isolate yourself from the rest of the world for the whole flu season.”

That’s quite a change from the esteemed expert’s views on the current virus from China sweeping the world.

It’s peculiar that nowhere in the 2009 video does Dr. Fauci suggest that in order to alleviate the stress on hospital supplies we “force, uh, delay, if not cancel anything that’s elective, I mean any medical or surgical procedures that need to be done on an elective basis should not be done.” Dr. Fauci’s statement to NBC’s Savannah Guthrie on March 20, 2020 and his obvious slip of the tongue using the word “force” reveals just how much influence Dr. Fauci has over our daily lives. To date, hospitals, imaging centers, and outpatient departments across the country have cancelled non-emergent testing and surgical procedures.

Additionally, nowhere in the 2009 interview does Dr. Fauci specifically mention restaurants and bars as hot spots for the transmission of the H1N1 virus as he does in his recent interview with Yahoo News: “When I see crowded bars and crowded restaurants, it is a little bit unnerving,” Fauci said. “It’s clear that those are the situations that put people very much at risk.” Talk about wielding power. Take a look around the country. Local and state officials have heeded Fauci’s “unnerving” concern and ordered restaurants to close their dining areas, or adhere to a 10-person limit. In cities and small towns everywhere, the restaurant industry, which includes owners, suppliers, chefs, line cooks, waitstaff, and bartenders, has been decimated.

Fast forward to 2020–
Dr. Fauci praised California and New York for shutting down their economies due to the coronavirus.

According to Evans, “Nowhere in the 2009 interview does Fauci use inflammatory, fear-inducing rhetoric, despite the number of H1N1-infected individuals, increased hospitalizations and deaths occurring at that time. Eleven years later, on March 11, 2020, Fauci is gung ho about COVID-19, warning lawmakers at a hearing on Capitol Hill: “Bottom line, it’s going to get worse.” Since then, the renowned AIDS epidemiologist has been seen daily at White House press conferences and on cable news shows reiterating this message to the public… H1N1’s duration from April 2009 to April 2010 with 60 million infected and almost 13,000 deaths in the U.S. alone was no less serious than the 2020 coronavirus so why was Dr. Fauci taking a more measured approach in 2009?

The post Video of Dr. Fauci in 2009 is Unearthed – Shows a Calm and Unalarmed NIH Chief During H1N1 Epidemic that Killed Over 12 Thousand Americans appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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