
Lawmakers Turn Up the Heat on Obama Unmasking Scandal – Allege Larger Obama Spy Op on Trump

- September 27, 2017

Senior Congressional leaders are turning up the heat on their investigation into the Obama unmasking scandal after recent reports of obvious abuses from former UN Ambassador Samantha Power that cannot be ignored.

The recent admission from Susan Rice that she unmasked Trump’s associates to understand more about a meeting between UAE crown prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan and senior Trump aides that took place late last year also renewed their focus on the former NatSec Advisor.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Congressional leaders and other insiders told the Washington Free Beacon that the investigation into the Obama administration’s unmasking campaign is gaining greater steam, even as the federal probe into alleged collusion with Russia drags on.

“The misuse of intelligence information by members of the Obama administration is a serious issue that requires an exhaustive investigation and accountability,” Rep. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.), chair of House Subcommittee on National Security, told the Free Beacon.

The investigation into these unmasking efforts continues to focus on top Obama officials, particularly Power, who is said to have had little need to unmask such sensitive classified information from her perch at Turtle Bay.

Rep. Sean Duffy (R. Wis.), another Republican member closely tracking the unmaksing scandal, encouraged his congressional colleagues to move past the Russia probe in pursuit of the facts about Obama’s potentially illicit spy operation on Trump associates.

The Democrats better be careful what they wish for. Ironically, the Dems have dug a deeper hole for themselves with this Russia investigation as more damning information is uncovered about the Obama admin.

“Congress is determined to follow the facts wherever they may lead us. And, ironically, the most damning revelations of the Russia investigation thus far incriminates the Obama administration,” said the official, who was not authorized to speak on record. “Susan Rice’s admission to widespread unmasking against Trump associates may just be the tip of the iceberg. We are going to get to the bottom of this.”

The Free Beacon also reported that former officials are very disturbed by the mind blowing number of people Samantha Power unmasked.

The hundreds of unmasking requests by Power—which amount to nearly one a day—are extremely suspicious, the former officials said.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, an attorney for Trump Jay Sekulow and his partner at the ACLJ Jordan Sekulow broke down Samantha Power’s unprecedented unmasking requests on their Friday radio show.

Jordan Sekulow pointed out that Power’s unmasking was crammed in the last few weeks or perhaps days of the Obama administration which means she was unmasking dozens of people OR MORE in a single working day.

Sekulow puts Power’s unmasking requests into context by comparing it to other UN Ambassadors of the past.

“Her number of requests are unprecedented in the history of UN Ambassadors who also have the position to unmask,” Jordan Sekulow began.

“No other UN Ambassador has ever even made half of the requests Power made in their ENTIRE CAREER, let alone a few months.”


The post Lawmakers Turn Up the Heat on Obama Unmasking Scandal – Allege Larger Obama Spy Op on Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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