
Michigan Black Caucus Lawmakers Demand MSU Police Chief Resign for Defending US Flag and Military

- September 27, 2017

On Sunday over 200 NFL players knelt during the US national anthem on Gold Star Mothers Day.

After the mass NFL player anthem protests Michigan State University Police Chief Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue posted a narrative on Facebook calling them “millionaire ingrates who hate America and disrespect our armed forces and veterans” and “a bunch of rich, entitled, arrogant, ungrateful, anti-American degenerates.”

Not Backing Down—

Police Chief Kriste Kibbey Etue defended her protest post on Tuesday.

What a hero.

Chief Kibbey apologized for defending the military and US flag.

Now this…

Michigan Black Caucus lawmakers are demanding Police Chief Kibbey resign after she defended the US military and Old Glory.

WLNS reported:

The 23-member Michigan Legislative Black Caucus is calling for the resignation of the Michigan State Police director for sharing a post on her Facebook page that called NFL players protesting during the national anthem “degenerates.”

The post Michigan Black Caucus Lawmakers Demand MSU Police Chief Resign for Defending US Flag and Military appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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