
Germany: Half of ‘Underage’ Migrants are Actually Adults

- November 25, 2017

Two migrants were arrested in February for raping a twelve year-old boy at a housing center for unaccompanied migrants in Sweden.

The men said they were 15 but social media shows they were born in 1997 and 1971.
refugees welcom
Muslim migrants will cost Sweden fourteen times more than the country’s defense budget.

Authorities say their dental records show they are much older than they claim to be.

The men raped the child and recorded the attack on a cellphone.

The Swedish Migration Agency claims up to 70 percent of child migrants are actually adults.

Germany is not seeing much better results.

Almost half of underage immigrants in Hamburg this year are actually adults.
Breitbart London reported, via Religion of Peace:

49 per cent of the migrants who have claimed to be underage in the city of Hamburg this year are actually adults, according to a new report from the Social Security Board.

The number is up from figures from last year which showed that 47 per cent of those claiming to be underage were adults. The new 49 per cent figure covers the 482 unaccompanied asylum seekers who came to Hamburg from January to September of this year, Die Welt reports.

Across Germany this year there have been a total of 55,890 asylum seekers claiming to be under the age of 18 but according to the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, 24,116, or 43 percent, were officially adults.

The post Germany: Half of ‘Underage’ Migrants are Actually Adults appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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