
The First Mrs. Trump Has a Tip: Trump Probably Won’t Run for Reelection (VIDEO)

- November 26, 2017

She was married to the guy for 15 years and is the mother of three of his children. By all accounts, she was as ambitious as he was, so maybe she does have an inside track on how Donald Trump thinks.

The first Mrs. Trump, Ivana Trump, gave a Saturday night audience the benefit of her knowledge about our president, while appearing on an Irish talk show, The Ray D’Arcy Show.

So what does she think is going on in her former husband’s head?

For starters, maybe Mike Pence should start printing up campaign signs now, because she doesn’t see Trump running for reelection.

 “I think he’s missing a little bit of his old life,” Ivana Trump told Ireland’s “The Ray D’Arcy Show” Saturday night local time.

Trump said she suspected the president missed having the freedom to split his time between his Trump Tower penthouse in New York City, his Mar-a-Lago resort estate in Florida, and the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester, outside New York City.

“From 8 o’clock in the morning to midnight, he’s working, working, working and everybody shouts at him the problems of that country,” she said. “I don’t envy him. I think he must be freaking exhausted. I would be too.”

You really do have to allow for his Twitter breaks, though.

And she’s got a point. Trump, for all his bravado, knows he’s out of his element. He’s made several comments about how difficult certain elements of the job have proven. He’s continuously frustrated with the slow pace of Washington and his inability to just bull his way through the co-equal branches of government.

There’s also the ongoing Russia probe that seems to be inching closer and closer to his back door. You would think he’d want to get away from that, as soon as possible.

I think he’ll bail before launching a reelection campaign, and he’ll claim he’s already achieved everything he wanted to achieve, bigger and better than anyone else in history. In fact, Ivana isn’t the first or only person to suggest Trump is one-and-done.

Ivana also mentioned Melania Trump’s reaction from several months ago, when Ivana Trump half-kiddingly referred to herself as the “real” First Lady.

I don’t think she actually meant it, at least, not completely.

I think she’s just getting her shots in, maybe still feeling a bit like the scorned wife. She gave him 15 years and was with him through some of the worst times in his business life, actively involved and business minded, just as ruthless – and she was dumped.

Maybe she’s just turning the knife a bit.

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