
The New York Times Selectively Edits Its List of Prominent Men Accused of Sexual Harrassment

- November 26, 2017

The New York Times has published a list of “high-profile men in a variety of industries” who, in their words, “have resigned, been fired or experienced other fallout after accusations that have ranged from inappropriate text messages to rape.”

Take a few moments to go through the list. Notice anyone missing?

John Conyers.

Conyers fits all the criteria for inclusion. There has been a credible and documented allegation of sexual harassment. Most of us would agree that asking a female colleague to a meeting in your office where you are only wearing your underwear qualifies as improper. And there have been repercussions. Colleagues have said he should step down from his post as ranking member (it is kind of hard to write that in the context of the underwear interview). At least one member of his caucus has called on him to resign and the House Ethics Committee is conducting an investigation.

Why is the New York Times downplaying Conyers’s offense? I’m sure that the fact that everyone else on the list is white has nothing to do with it.

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