He has lost his mind.
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee apparently saw “The Darkest Hour” this weekend – a new film about the life of Prime Minister Winston Churchill during World War II.
So inspired by the dramatization was Huckabee, that he couldn’t help but tweet out something about it.
And it was stupid.
Ducks took day off today but if you can get to a theater go see The Darkest Hour about Churchill. Reminds as to what real leadership looks like.
— Gov. Mike Huckabee (@GovMikeHuckabee) December 26, 2017
Churchill was hated by his own party, opposition party, and press. Feared by King as reckless, and despised for his bluntness. But unlike Neville Chamberlain, he didn't retreat. We had a Chamberlain for 8 yrs; in @realDonaldTrump we have a Churchill.
— Gov. Mike Huckabee (@GovMikeHuckabee) December 26, 2017
Yeah. Trump is a lot of things, but comparing him to Churchill?
I’m going to assume Huckabee either thinks there’s still a spot for him in the Cabinet, or he’s protecting his daughter’s job. He even tagged Trump in the tweet, hoping to get his approval.
He certainly knows, as everyone does, that a little flattery will get you everywhere with the president.
Of course, the internet will not forget, and Huckabee’s Dumb Tweet of the Day was swiftly and thoroughly mocked.
Sure. Churchill served his country 55 years in parliament, 31 years as a minister and 9 as pm. He was present in 15 battles and received 14 medals of bravery. He was one of historys most gifted orators and won the Nobel Literature Prize for his writing. Totally same thing…
— Kristian Tonning Riise (@KristianRiise) December 26, 2017
The best part of this is that Trump's own favorite slogan, the whole theme of his presidential campaign, is that of those Americans who turned their back on Britain and Churchill in the "darkest hour." https://t.co/C88bcmFGhU
— David Frum (@davidfrum) December 26, 2017
While in the British Army (where he actively sought to serve in war zones), Churchill gave skin from his own chest to help graft an injured officer's wound.
Trump faked bone spurs. https://t.co/gpTkOV4T4h
— Victoria Aveyard (@VictoriaAveyard) December 26, 2017
Literally every clause of this tweet contains a factual inaccuracy https://t.co/zqgLNiJXbP
— Jon Stone (@joncstone) December 26, 2017
What does he have on you?
— Katie O'Brien (@k8tobrien) December 26, 2017
I have to wonder if there was ever any point in Mike Huckabee’s life that he had anything resembling dignity, or has he always been a shameless toady, seeking someone in power to cling to.
The post Mike Huckabee Goes to the Movies and Comes Back With a Dumb Comparison appeared first on RedState.