
Two Different Politicians Vie to Control the Sun in the Sunshine State

- Desember 27, 2017

2 politicians walking all over sunshine


While elected officials have numerous tasks on their agendas the entire career of a politician hinges on one thing: getting noticed. Sprinting for television cameras, blathering at fire alarm levels from the chamber floor, and sparring with news-net pundits on television are all in service to notoriety. Likewise is the use of audacious law-making.

Most politicians work at padding their resume with namesake legislation. This is needed for re-election so they can fill pamphlets with bullet-points while asking “What has my opponent accomplished?!” The gold standard in this endeavor is that forwarded legal policy that grabs headlines. Best of all you don’t even need to have your bill pass; merely the appearance of earnestness in front of voters will achieve goals. Face-saving arrives in condescension in the face of failure; “I’m sorry my fellow members don’t have the foresight needed to understand this issue…”

It is in this fashion that in the state of Florida TWO politicians are proposing new, and in a way opposing, laws to regulate the Sun. Hey, if you want to get noticed, may as well go big. First, there is State Senator Greg Steube, a Republican from Sarasota, who has tabled a bill to eliminate the practice of daylight savings time. Should it pass then Florida will adhere to Standard Time year-round, with no adjustments of our chronographs taking place bi-annually.

Seeing the gambit available a second politician wants to grab for herself a piece of the…uh, spotlight. Jeanette Nunez, State Representative out of Miami, is forwarding the proposal that daylight savings should actually become the permanent time standard. Not content to be merely the second in the Grian/Aine battle, Nunez has boldly dubbed her legislation “The Sun Protection Act”. We have literally gone around the horizon when politicians move on from saving the planet to preserving our Solar System’s anchor itself.

Of course, for either of these ambitious Snooze-button policies to take place a number of items need to be cleared. First is the state will need to become untethered from the Congressional time standard that is in place for the majority of the nation. (The state of Arizona and the city of Indianapolis are freed from the clock manipulations.)

One other challenge is the region of Florida’s panhandle. There are ten counties – including the state capital in Tallahassee — located therein which reside in the central time zone. Those living in this westernmost region would have to agree to a time adjustment that would differ from the majority of the state, as it consolidates the chronology.

Should either of these policies get approved it would still be a matter of differing time for residents to adjust. If passed the Nunez proposal is set to go into effect in July. Steube has his bill scheduled as going into effect January 2019. The likelihood of either actually seeing passage is a longshot — and Congress could still throw shade on the proposals.

The post Two Different Politicians Vie to Control the Sun in the Sunshine State appeared first on RedState.


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