
Good Riddance: Cecile Richards Stepping Down as Planned Parenthood President

- Januari 25, 2018

To you, Cecile Richards, I give the byest of Felicias.

President of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, won’t be President for much longer as she has announced that after a decade of being at the head of the abortion giant, she’s stepping down.

According to BuzzFeed, two sources familiar with the matter said Richards, 60, already informed some of the board of directors for the organization about her intentions, and will discuss the matter further at the board meeting scheduled for later this week.

Richards took control of Planned Parenthood in 2006, and has since become the company’s leader and face. During a time when Democrats had a lot of control over the political goings on in the country, Planned Parenthood thrived under Richards. However, with Donald Trump and Republicans at the helm, the abortion organization has run into one trouble after another, and Richards has found her influence and power waning.

This is something even acknowledged by BuzzFeed:

Richards’ plans come at a tumultuous time for abortion rights activists and contraceptives access. In its first year, the Trump administration has peeled back state funding protections for Planned Parenthood, thanks in part to a dramatic tie-breaking vote cast by Vice President Mike Pence in March, his first in office. In October, the administration also rolled back an Obama-era rule requiring most employers to provide contraception insurance coverage, which Planned Parenthood had a heavy hand in crafting. That decision is on hold, however, after a federal judge in Pennsylvania granted a nationwide preliminary injunction on the new rules.

As Planned Parenthood’s troubles increase and Richards’ power decreases, it’s little wonder she’s looking for the door.

Richards was at the head of Planned Parenthood during many major scandals, including the discovery that the organization was selling baby parts for profit as revealed by the Center for Medical Progress.

Richards and Planned Parenthood attempted to re-brand the abortion provider as something other than an abortion provider, but was unable to escape from the public relations monster it had created for itself. The organization has killed over 7 million babies since its inception, with over 300,000 deaths a year under Richards’ watch. Separating itself from that, especially after it repeatedly took pride in its work, wasn’t something Richards was capable of.

Richards also used her seat as Planned Parenthood’s head to fight battles against Republicans and the American people’s rights.

The Planned Parenthood head used falsehoods against private businesses like Hobby Lobby, which Richards painted as attempting to eliminate all forms of birth control for women. They weren’t, only certain forms, but Richards attempted to generate outrage from women all over the U.S. with demonstrable lies.

As I wrote in a 2016 article titled “Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards Is The Most Vile Person Currently Walking This Planet,” Richards was ready to trample over the rights of businesses and religious people in order to keep her business booming:

Despite this being an obvious fact, Richards spun lie after lie in an attempt to sway the public into a frenzy that would make sure the fight to keep businesses under the thumb of government – which would then in turn mandate birth control that you could get at Planned Parenthood – good and strong. Essentially, Richards wants you, business owners and taxpayers, to keep her business booming, and she’ll boldly lie in order to accomplish that goal. Especially if it means stripping you of your religious rights to do so, as Christians are the primary group standing in the way of her lobbying.

While Richards was championing the poor women who she said would have to suffer the blow of having to pay for protected sex if Republicans had their way, Richards was making over half a million dollars ever year in salary. This is an 11 percent increase since 2011 despite the fact that Planned Parenthood’s business has been on the decline.

Richards is responsible for millions of deaths, and attempts at the reductions of our rights and freedoms. The world will be better for her departure.

As far as her replacement goes, David Daleiden, Center for Medical Progress’s head, has a suggestion.

The post Good Riddance: Cecile Richards Stepping Down as Planned Parenthood President appeared first on RedState.


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