
Peter Strzok Savages Chelsea Clinton in Newly Released FBI Text Messages

- Februari 09, 2018

FBI lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are in hot water after their text messages were blasted out to the public.

The two were caught disparaging Trump, Gowdy, ‘hillbilly’ Virginians and many other people.

Strzok also savaged Chelsea Clinton leading up to the DNC convention in late July of 2016 and then again during the convention.

Screenshots of the text messages between FBI lovebirds below. [Inbox] is Peter Strzok and [Outbox] is Lisa Page.

Leading up to Chelsea’s speech at the DNC convention, Peter Strzok sent a text message to his mistress Lisa Page saying, “I don’t like Chelsea! Her husband even less…”

Lisa Page replies, “I like Chelsea fine. Why not?”

Strzok responded by saying, “Self entitled. Feels she deserves something she hasn’t earned.” OUCH! Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Chelsea Clinton gave a speech at the DNC convention on July 29th, 2016 and Strzok savaged her again.

Peter Strzok sent his mistress Lisa Page a text saying, “Watched Hillary is all. She was ok. Chelsea was awful. Tried to do Bill’s up close sharing. Didn’t come across as genuine. Plus she has a HORRIBLE billy goat speech tic”.


This text exchange was from a new document dump Wednesday.

We are still awaiting the release of ‘missing’ text messages dated December 14th, 2016- May 17th 2017 sent between the two lovebirds. The Department of Justice has reportedly recovered a portion of the ‘missing’ text messages.


H/T: The Daily Caller

The post Peter Strzok Savages Chelsea Clinton in Newly Released FBI Text Messages appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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