On the heels of Sarah Sanders being kicked out of a Virginia restaurant for being a Trump staffer, Rep. Maxine Waters is doubling down on divisiveness.
Maxine Waters calls for attacks on Trump administration: "If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere." pic.twitter.com/jMV7wk48wM
— Ryan Saavedra
(@RealSaavedra) June 24, 2018
WATCH: Maxine Waters call for the harassment of members of the Trump administration…
Which of course means she's ok with the same thing happening to her, right?
After all, she's setting the rules here. pic.twitter.com/hrHDayly9s— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) June 24, 2018
The excuses (and hysterics) started flying almost immediately.
Conservatives are misinterpreting Maxine Waters. Of course it is important to promote peace on our streets. We can adamantly oppose the Trump administration without resorting to physical harassment that can devolve into violence. Our strongest weapon is our voice and our vote.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) June 24, 2018
All these Trump stans keep calling Maxine Waters crazy, but they idolize a conspiracy theorist who sees imaginary crowds and uses fake personalities.
— Adam Best (@adamcbest) June 24, 2018
"No peace, no sleep": No different than how Nazis were shamed and shunned by the public post WWII — Maxine Waters calls for the public shaming of racist, authoritarian tyrant Trump, his criminal crime family, and members of his sadistic, fascist regime https://t.co/p8JXcBBM35
— Bill Madden (@activist360) June 24, 2018
I love how people flip out when Maxine Waters calls for people to let Trump officials know how they feel about Trump, but are silent every day when Trump personally attacks people on Twitter.
— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) June 24, 2018
I love how the Right is purposefully misquoting Maxine Waters to say she "orders" people to harass the administration. I know semantics are tricky… She merely explained why she had no sympathy for Sanders being denied service. I, too, have zero sympathy for a liar.
— Nono (@lulubelles90210) June 24, 2018
The problem is that Waters is not calling for public protest. She’s advocating for the very problem that plagues our nation at this moment – the “otherization” of our fellow citizens. It’s become acceptable to dehumanize those who don’t see the world according through the modern progressive lens. By dehumanizing an entire, broad swath of the American public it becomes “heroic” to be rude, insulting and messy. It give the real crazies permission to act out their violent fantasies because they genuinely see themselves as acting against evil. That’s how things like the shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise happen.
Waters and her ilk act as if Trump took the White House by force, as if he rolled up there with a team of mercenaries and thrust himself upon an unwilling population of helpless infants. He was freely elected using the same electoral system we have been using since the creation of this country. Understandably – and very obviously – there are those who are grossly disappointed that Hillary Clinton did not win in 2016.
To call for public insurrection against legally employed staffers of a democratically elected President is ignorant and unconscionable. Despite her apologists, what Waters is asking isn’t simply about protesting. She is asking people to form crowds – MOBS – around people who are legitimately employed in the United States government and shout them down while they go about their daily tasks. While some may legitimately believe all she means is “protest”, what it does is to enflame public mobs which we well know can easily fly out of control.
That is not okay.
And – say it with me now – THIS IS HOW WE GOT TRUMP!
The post Seriously?! Maxine Waters Calls on Americans to Harass Any Trump Administration Employees in Public appeared first on RedState.