
Blowhard Elizabeth Warren Says Next EPA Chief Has To Believe In Climate Change

- Juli 09, 2018

Guest post by Mike LaChance at American Lookout.

Elizabeth Warren apparently thinks she’s in a position to make demands of the Trump administration. Now that Pruitt is out at the EPA, Warren is crowing about climate change and saying the next EPA head has to believe in it.

Breitbart reports:

Elizabeth Warren: EPA Administrator Must Believe in Climate Change

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said on Thursday following President Donald Trump’s tweet announcing that Scott Pruitt was stepping down as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that anyone who doesn’t believe in climate change should not head the agency.

The Hill reported on Warren’s statement about Pruitt’s resignation in which she said he should have been fired “28 scandals ago,” even though he was not fired but tendered a letter of resignation to Trump.

In the letter, Pruitt mentioned “unrelenting attacks” from the leftwing media and Democrats for alleged ethics violations, including criticism of family members “that have taken a sizable toll on all of us.”

Warren claimed in the statement that Pruitt should never have been selected by Trump because he didn’t believe in manmade climate change.

“A man who doesn’t believe in climate change never should have been in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency in the first place,” Warren said. “And a government official that corrupt should have been fired by the President of the United States 28 scandals ago.”

The left has complained about Pruitt for months, but they might like the next person Trump puts in his place even less.

The post Blowhard Elizabeth Warren Says Next EPA Chief Has To Believe In Climate Change appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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