
Joe diGenova: Manafort’s Attorneys Will Put Mueller Hitman Andrew Weissmann on the Witness Stand (VIDEO)

- Juli 10, 2018

Joe diGenova and his wife and law partner Gloria Toensing joined Lou Dobbs on Monday night to discuss the latest developments in the Mueller witch hunt of President Trump.

This comes after weekend reports that members of the Mueller team met with AP reporters to use them to obtain a search warrant on a storage facility owned by former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort.

Joe diGenova told Lou Dobbs they may call in Mueller’s team members to testify including hitman Andrew Weissmann.

Joe diGenova: What we now know is that Weissmann who has done this before and is now recognized widely in the United States among lawyers as one of the most unethical prosecutors in the history of the department. Weissmann engineered this meeting between DOJ lawyers and FBI agents and the Associated Press for them to basically share information among themselves, including grand jury information, in order to put pressure on Manafort. We are watching the destruction of the FBI by people actually inside the Mueller investigation like Weissmann. This has to stop… Manfort’s attorneys have asked for a hearing. I actually think the judge is going to grant it. I think there is going to be a hearing. It will be an opportunity to put Weissmann on the witness stand along with a lot of other FBI and DOJ employees who were involved in setting up these meetings. Remember the IG Report laid out cold how the FBI had a policy of leaking information.

Via Lou Dobbs:

The post Joe diGenova: Manafort’s Attorneys Will Put Mueller Hitman Andrew Weissmann on the Witness Stand (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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