
SORE LOSERS=> All Five Democrats Invited to President Trump’s SCOTUS Reveal Send Regrets

- Juli 10, 2018


The White House invited five Democrats to President Trump’s Supreme Court pick reveal Monday evening and all five sent regrets.

President Trump has reportedly already chosen his next Supreme Court nominee according to sources who spoke with Fox News.

Earlier Monday, President Trump tweeted he would be announcing his next SCOTUS pick at 9 PM EST.

This is President Trump’s second Supreme Court pick; conservative justice Neil Gorsuch was appointed to the Supreme Court in 2017.

The finalists are believed to be four federal judges: Brett Kavanaugh, Raymond Kethledge, Amy Coney Barrett and Thomas Hardiman, reported Fox News.

Now this..

According to Fox News’ John Roberts, the White House says the 5 (mostly red state) Democrats who were invited to Monday evening’s big reveal have all sent regrets.

Roberts tweeted: WH says 5 Democrats were invited to @realDonaldTrump SCOTUS reveal: Feinstein, Manchin, Donnelly, Heitkamp and Jones. All sent regrets

Senator Dianne Feinstein, CA, Senator Joseph Manchin, WV, Senator Joe Donnelly, IN, Senator Heidi Heitkamp, ND, and Senator Doug Jones, AL all sent regrets.

The post SORE LOSERS=> All Five Democrats Invited to President Trump’s SCOTUS Reveal Send Regrets appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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