
Trump SLAMS Fake Indian in Montana: “Pocahontas, to you I apologize. To the fake Pocahontas, I won’t apologize” (VIDEO)

- Juli 06, 2018

President Donald Trump joked about fake Indian Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren Thursday night in Montana.

President Trump apologized to the real Pocahontas but not to the fake one.

Via FOX News:

Speaking at the Four Seasons Arena in Great Falls, Trump said “it’s time to retire” Tester, a red-state Democrat. He added that Democrats “actually got their ass kicked” in 2016, drawing racuous applause as he proceeded to unload on such varied targets as The New York Times, Rep. Maxine Waters and Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

“Pocahontas, to you I apologize,” Trump said. “To the fake Pocahontas, I won’t apologize.”

He then joked that he would pull out a heritage kit during a hypothetical presidential debate with Warren and slowly toss it at her, “hoping it doesn’t hit her and injure her arm, even though it only weighs probably two ounces.” Trump said he would offer to donate $1 million to Warren’s preferred charity if she took the ancestry test.

Warren has long been accused of falsely claiming she is of Native American heritage to help in securing jobs, including one as a Harvard law professor.

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