
Coincidence? Feinstein Employed Chinese Spy For 20 Years as Her Husband Raked in Millions in Chinese Business

- Agustus 07, 2018

New details were released this week on how California Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein had a Communist Chinese spy by her side for nearly 20 years.

Feinstein reportedly ‘found out’ that her staffer was a Chinese spy in 2013–while she was the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee–RIGHT, OK.

The Chinese spy who worked for Senator Dianne Feinstein was identified on Monday night.

The Daily Caller reported the name of the spy is Russell Lowe.
Russell Lowe was Senator Feinsein’s office manager.

Dianne Feinstein and her 3rd husband Richard Blum whom she married in 1980 made MILLIONS off of their financial interests in China.

Richard Blum made millions of dollars off of his Chinese investments–his investments in China flourished after his wife, Dianne Feinstein became a US Senator in 1992.

Feinstein traveled to China several times with her husband and even bragged to an LA Times reporter about being the first foreigner to visit mass murderer, Mao Tse-tung’s old residence where he died.

The Chinese spy mysteriously appeared on the scene in 1993 just ONE YEAR after Feinstein was elected to the Senate in 1992. Coincidence? We think not.

Feinstein’s husbands investments in China have dogged the Senator for decades.

In fact, federal investigators detected that the Chinese government was trying to win favors with Feinstein–the FBI warned Dianne Feinstein in the mid-90’s that China was trying to improperly influence her through illegal campaign contributions, reported the LA Times.

More from the LA Times previous report:

 On Capitol Hill, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has emerged as one of the staunchest proponents of closer U.S. relations with China, fighting for permanent most-favored-nation trading status for Beijing.

At the same time, far from the spotlight, Feinstein’s husband, Richard C. Blum, has expanded his private business interests in China–to the point that his firm is now a prominent investor inside the communist nation.

For years, Feinstein and Blum have insisted that they maintained a solid “firewall” between her role as an influential foreign policy player and his career as a private investor overseas.

But such closely coinciding interests are highly unusual for major figures in public life in Washington. And now, as controversy heats up over improper foreign influence in the U.S. political process, the effectiveness of the firewall between those interests could be called into question.

On Thursday, after he was interviewed by The Times about his China business, Blum announced that he will donate future profits from his personal investments there to his nonprofit foundation to help Tibetan refugees. “This should remove any perception that I, in any way, shape or form benefit from or influence my wife’s position on China as a U.S. senator,” Blum said.

In 1992, when Feinstein entered the Senate, Blum’s interests in China amounted to one project worth less than $500,000, according to her financial disclosure reports. But since then, his financial activities in the country have increased.

In the last year, a Blum investment firm paid $23 million for a stake in a Chinese government-owned steel enterprise and acquired sizable interests in the leading producers of soybean milk and candy in China. Blum’s firm, Newbridge Capital Ltd., received an important boost from a $10-million investment by the International Finance Corp., an arm of the World Bank. Experts said that IFC backing typically confers legitimacy and can help attract other investors.

Richard Blum’s biggest investment which was an estimated $300-million stake in Northwest Airlines would profit from China’s emergence as an economic power, reported the LA Times in a 1997 article. Blum made MILLIONS off his Chinese interests after Feinstein was elected to the Senate:

Blum’s biggest investment, an estimated $300-million stake in Northwest Airlines, is poised to gain from China’s emergence as an economic power. Northwest operates the only nonstop service from the United States to any city in China. Blum earned in excess of $1 million from his Northwest holdings in 1995, according to Feinstein’s financial report.

The potential for conflict between Feinstein’s and Blum’s parallel China interests increased after Feinstein was elected to the Senate in 1992 and Blum formed Newbridge in 1994 with more than $100 million provided by various investors who had to put up a minimum of $1 million to participate.

“Here’s a more recent connection between Sen Feinstein and the press has ignored. ZTE, the heavily sanctioned Chinese telecom company that paid a $1bn fine to the US, hired its first in-house lobbyist in ’11 — none other than a former Feinstein aide,” noted Benjamin Weingarten, a contributor for The Federalist.

Richard Blum’s investments in China ballooned after his wife Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, was elected to the Senate in 1992.

Feinstein hired a Chinese spy in 1993 only to see her husband’s businesses flourish.

It leaves very little doubt Dianne Feinstein accidentally hired a Chinese spy as one of her office managers then quietly retired him after others she found out.

You won’t see this Richard Blum-DiFi-Chi-Com story in the mainstream media.

The next shoe to drop? The FBI knew about this Chinese infiltration of Feinstein’s inner circle, yet did NOTHING to stop it.

The post Coincidence? Feinstein Employed Chinese Spy For 20 Years as Her Husband Raked in Millions in Chinese Business appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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