
FAR LEFT MOBS RIOT In 3 Major US Cities — NOT ONE Mainstream Outlet Reports on the Widespread Leftist Violence

- Agustus 06, 2018

Far left violent Antifa mobs rioted in three Major US cities this past weekend.

Antifa mobs attacked police and conservatives in Portland, Providence and Berkeley.

Antifa cracked skulls and beat protesters and attacked grandmothers in Portland, Oregon on Saturday.

Far left Antifa thugs destroyed property, beat conservatives and abused police in Providence, Rhode Island on Saturday.

And on Sunday far left Antifa mobs rioted and vandalized a Marine recruiting office in Berkeley, California.

NOT ONE national mainstream media outlet carried reports on left-wing violence in three major US cities this weekend.

The US liberal mainstream media demands the American public to trust them.
Yet, these same outlets blame conservatives for rioting Antifa mobs or they totally ignore the violence by the left.

Maybe President Trump was right when he called the liberal media the “enemy of the people”?

The post FAR LEFT MOBS RIOT In 3 Major US Cities — NOT ONE Mainstream Outlet Reports on the Widespread Leftist Violence appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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