
Records Reveal Twitter is Run by Democrat Donors and Far Left Activists Seeking to Influence 2018 Elections

- Agustus 04, 2018

Records of Twitter’s top executives, board members and major shareholders reveal they have all donated overwhelmingly to Democrat candidates including Obama and Hillary Clinton.

According to Paul Sperry, the records show Twitter sought to influence Congress and various federal agencies on behalf of far left causes while simultaneously working against Trump’s policis.

Via investigative reporter Paul Sperry of the New York Post:

The lobbying records I reviewed, moreover, show Twitter has sought to influence Congress and federal agencies on behalf of Democratic causes and against President Trump’s policies.

Federal Election Commission records show that Gadde, for starters, has given exclusively to Democratic candidates, including the maximum donations allowed to both Clinton’s and Obama’s campaigns. In 2016, he gave $2,700 to Democratic candidate Kamala Harris of California, who won her US Senate bid.

Twitter CEO and co-founder Jack Dorsey also donates only to Democrats. And in 2017, he and executive chairman Omid Kordestani together donated $530,000 to the ACLU to fight Trump’s executive order imposing a temporary travel ban on immigrants from high-risk Muslim countries, which Dorsey called “upsetting” but which the Supreme Court recently ruled constitutional. All told, Twitter gave $1.6 million to the anti-Trump ban effort.

Kordestani is a big Democrat donor, contributing the maximums to Clinton and Obama, as well as to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. In 2011, moreover, the Tehran-born exec gave $35,800 to the Obama Victory Fund and another $30,800 to the Democratic National Committee.

Also snubbing Republicans is Twitter Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal, who has given exclusively to Democrats, including several thousands of dollars to Obama and former presidential candidate John Kerry. Segal has also contributed to DNC coffers.

Then there’s former Twitter CEO, current board director and major stakeholder Evan Williams. He’s shelled out more than $600,000 for the Democratic Party and Democrats running for federal office, FEC records show. Meantime, he has stiffed Republicans and the GOP.

What’s more, Evans in the past two presidential races pumped an additional $750,000 into Priorities USA Action — the largest Democratic Party super PAC — which contributes to leftist groups to help them turn out the vote for Democrats. Priorities USA is heavily funded by billionaire Trump-hater George Soros.

Last week, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) filed a complaint against Twitter with the Federal Election Commission after it was revealed that his own account was being shadowbanned by Twitter.

Rep. Gaetz argued earlier this week that he believes that Twitter may have illegally donated to the campaigns of his opponents by prejudicing against his content and limiting his social media visibility. An investigation from the far-left Vice Magazine found that only conservatives users were being subjected to the Twitter search limiting that impacted Gaetz.

“So I believe that Twitter may have illegally donated to the campaigns of my opponents by prejudicing against my content,” he added.

Twitter is also censoring prominent pro-Trump accounts including: Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec, Paul Joseph Watson, TGP’s Jim Hoft, TGP’s Cassandra Fairbanks, TGP’s Cristina Laila, TGP’s Lucian Wintrich and Laura Loomer among others.

Twitter released a disingenuous statement last Thursday night in response to a recent study by the leftist website VICE News which found that Twitter is censoring top pro-Trump lawmakers.

Twitter actually admitted they do shadowban users by blocking tweets from accounts users choose to follow from showing up in their feeds. ‘You have to go directly to their profile to see their posts,’ Twitter admitted in their blog post.

On Thursday, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) sent a letter to the Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Greg Walden demanding Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey be called in to publicly testify on Twitter’s shadowbanning of conservatives.

Of course Twitter is shadowbanning conservatives; their executives have a lot of skin in the game and have a vested interest in helping Democrats win elections.

Read Paul Sperry’s full report here.

The post Records Reveal Twitter is Run by Democrat Donors and Far Left Activists Seeking to Influence 2018 Elections appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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