
Grassley Refers Hoax Accuser Claiming Kavanaugh Raped Woman on Boat in Rhode Island For Criminal Investigation

- September 30, 2018

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley referred potential false statements made by a man claiming Kavanaugh raped a woman on a boat in Rhode Island in 1985 for criminal investigation.

A 5th Kavanaugh accuser surfaced Wednesday evening shortly after the 4th anonymous accuser was reported by NBC.

The Senate this week investigated a 5th sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh.

This time, a male wrote a letter to Democrat Senator Whitehouse claiming that a female friend was assaulted on a boat in Rhode Island in 1985 by “two heavily inebriated men she referred to at the time as Brett and Mark.”

Kavanaugh denied the latest allegation against him.

The man who wrote the letter to Senator Whitehouse said he and another individual hunted down Brett and Mark at the harbor and “physically confronted the two men, leaving them with significant injuries.”

Shortly after NBC ran with the story, the man recanted his story–IT WAS A HOAX!

The Senate Judiciary Committee is now asking for a criminal investigation into this hoax.

In a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Chris Wray, Chairman Chuck Grassley sought a criminal review of the actions by a named individual who provided Congress with the information, diverting Committee resources from an ongoing investigation, according to the Senate Judiciary website.

“The Committee is grateful to citizens who come forward with relevant information in good faith, even if they are not one hundred percent sure about what they know. But when individuals provide fabricated allegations to the Committee, diverting Committee resources during time-sensitive investigations, it materially impedes our work. Such acts are not only unfair; they are potentially illegal. It is illegal to make materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements to Congressional investigators. It is illegal to obstruct Committee investigations,” Grassley said in the letter.

Brett Kavanaugh brought up this hoax allegation during the hearing on Thursday, furious the Democrats dragged out the process for 10 days allowing for an outrageous claim of gang rape and another allegation he raped a woman on a boat to be published by the ravenous media.

“The effort to destroy Kavanaugh may have been criminal,” President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton said Saturday evening in response to Grassley’s criminal referral.

The post Grassley Refers Hoax Accuser Claiming Kavanaugh Raped Woman on Boat in Rhode Island For Criminal Investigation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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