
Hah! Jeff Flake Welcomes Audience to Global Citizen Festival with Chris Coons– Audience Yells “F*ck You!” –VIDEO

- September 30, 2018

Earlier in the day on Friday Senator Jeff Flake announced he would vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh out of the Judiciary Committee.

Then he got cornered in an elevator by a screaming leftist for 4 minutes.

About an hour later and after several private talks with Democrats Jeff Flake came out and announced he would only vote for Brett Kavanaugh if an investigation continued on the man for another week.

This was exactly what Democrats were hoping for!
On Friday night it was revealed the women screaming at Flake were astro-turfed Soros activist leaders.

On Saturday Sen. Jeff Flake joined his friend liberal Senator Chris Coons at the Global Citizen Festival.

The two politicians joined together on stage to open the festival.

Jeff Flake smiled and welcomed the crowd. He told them, “Feel free to join me in an elevator any time.”

The Audience Shouted, “F*ck You!”

Stupid RINOs never learn.
Hat Tip Dan Riehl

The post Hah! Jeff Flake Welcomes Audience to Global Citizen Festival with Chris Coons– Audience Yells “F*ck You!” –VIDEO appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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