
Freed US Pastor Lands in Germany, Greets Ambassador Grenell – Kisses American Flag

- Oktober 13, 2018

Earlier today US Pastor Andrew Brunson was released after spending two years imprisoned in Turkey.

Pastor Brunson was on house arrest following his release from prison and was unable to return to the United States. He had been living in Turkey and was working for the small Izmir Resurrection Church when he was arrested over his ties to various political groups following the failed 2016 coup attempt.

In order to secure the pastor’s release, the Trump administration had imposed sanctions on two Turkish officials who were linked to the arrest and detention and employed other various economic actions on the Turkish government.

Tonight Pastor Brunson landed in Germany.

Amassador Richard Grenell was there to greet him.

Ambassador Grenell offered Pastor Brunson an American flag.
Brunson immediately took the flag and kissed it.

Pastor Brunson and his wife will fly on home to America today.

The post Freed US Pastor Lands in Germany, Greets Ambassador Grenell – Kisses American Flag appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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