
Democratic Senate Candidate: It Would Be “Inappropriate” to Ask Anarchists Not to Destroy Property

- Oktober 13, 2018

Democrat Kyrsten Sinema and Antifa anarchists at President Donald Trump’s Inauguration.

Democrat of the month…
Kyrsten Sinema wants to be Senator from Arizona.
She has a long history of far left activism and anti-American statements.

In 2002 she sent out an email to her antiwar supporters where she defended Antifa anarchist violence.

Sinema told her supporters, “Those of us who chose to attend the event knew that it would be inappropriate to ask someone to not destroy property or to carry a weapon.”

Via Phillip Wegmann at The Washington Examiner:

Emails from June 2002 and obtained by the Washington Examiner give insight into Sinema’s work as a community organizer for the Arizona Alliance for Peaceful Justice. The group, she wrote at the time, “opposed the use of violence and weapons in all situations” and “believes in world disarmament.” For all those high-minded ideals though, Sinema wasn’t ready to force her beliefs on anarchists.

“When AAPJ attended May Day (sponsored by the Phoenix Anarchist Coalition), we knew that their guidelines differ from ours,” Sinema emailed a fellow protester. “They are okay with weapons and property destruction in some instances, and so those of us who chose to attend the event knew that it would be inappropriate to ask someone to not destroy property or to carry a weapon.

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