
Hah-Hah! Creepy Porn Lawyer Accuses Grassley of ‘Slut Shaming’ after Senate Committee Ignores His Gang Rape Accuser

- Oktober 03, 2018

On Tuesday Senator Grassley’s office made public their response to Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti in his continued requests to review his client’s flimsy and outrageous claims of gang rape by Judge Brett Kavanaugh while he was in high school.

This was brutal!

It was a rough afternoon for the creepy porn lawyer.
First his client was accused of enjoying group sex with multiple partners and then the US Senate shut him out.

This did not sit well with the creepy porn lawyer.

Michael Avenatti accused Senator Grassley and Senator Lindsey Graham of “slut shaming” his client.

Avenatti: Survivors and women everywhere should be outraged by the conduct of @ChuckGrassley & @LindseyGrahamSC in “slut shaming” my client and releasing an unsubstantiated letter that calls her a “whore.” And they do this while hiding similar letters and info about Kavanaugh. #Disgraceful

Avenatti also went after Dennis Ketterer who accused his client of enjoying group sex.

The post Hah-Hah! Creepy Porn Lawyer Accuses Grassley of ‘Slut Shaming’ after Senate Committee Ignores His Gang Rape Accuser appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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