
OUCH! Grassley’s Chief Counsel DESTROYS Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti Over His Client’s Bogus Gang Rape Claim Against Kavanaugh

- Oktober 03, 2018

Creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti revealed Brett Kavanaugh’s 3rd accuser last Wednesday morning–A woman named Julie Swetnick who brought forth allegations of gang rape.

Avenatti sent Swetnick’s written statement to Grassley’s team last week–Apparently Grassley’s team is annoyed Avenatti is relentlessly emailing them over Swetnick’s claims because they hit back hard Tuesday.

Avenatti emailed Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley’s Chief Counsel Mike Davis again saying, “Stop playing games. If you are the Chief Counsel then you need to do your job. Please respond to our requests.”

Grassley’s Chief Counsel responded to Avenatti saying, “We have already reviewed your client’s allegations. We focus on credible allegations. Please stop emailing me.”


Ms. Swetnick, in a sworn statement says she was a victim of one of these “gang” or “train” rapes where Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge were present. Swetnick also claims she was drugged with Qualuudes or “something similar.”

“During the years 1981-82 I became aware of efforts by Mark Judge, Brett Kavanaugh and others to “spike” the “punch” at house parties I attended with drugs and/or grain alcohol so as to cause girls to lose their inhibitions and their ability to say “no,” Swetnick said in paragraph 11 of her sworn statement.

On Monday evening, Julie Swetnick backtracked and said she never saw Brett Kavanaugh “spike” the punch at house parties, rather, Swetnick said she “saw him around the punch containers.”

Julie Swetnick also changed her story on the gang rape allegation against Mr. Kavanaugh and Mr. Judge saying she only saw them congregated outside of bedrooms.

NBC said they were unable to verify Swetnick’s claims. ‘She told us things on camera that differ from her written statement,’ NBC said.

Avenatti complained from his Twitter account Tuesday and said his client deserves to be heard and interviewed by the FBI.

The post OUCH! Grassley’s Chief Counsel DESTROYS Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti Over His Client’s Bogus Gang Rape Claim Against Kavanaugh appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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