
Harvard Adds Anti-Republican Course for Fall 2019

- Oktober 26, 2018

Harvard Law School is bringing open political bias to their course offerings next fall with Professor Laurence Tribe’s new class “Constitutional Strategies For the McConnell/Trump/Kavanaugh Era.”

The course description reads:

This seminar will assess the challenges for democracy under law, for human rights, and for fact-based government posed by the successful strategies of [Kentucky Republican Sen. Mitch] McConnell, Trump, and Kavanaugh — and will explore ways of using constitutional law and politics to push back against those strategies.

In an e-mail to Campus ReformTribe said:

Law students who are interested — from whatever ideological perspective — in what the current political and legal landscape might mean for the litigation and/or legislation they may consider becoming involved in (whether defensively or offensively) after they graduate deserve well-informed guidance as they navigate this complex new terrain. My new seminar is designed to offer that guidance.

Is he trying to suggest that this course is not ideologically driven? Is this Professor Tribe crazy?

Well, here is his pinned tweet.

He also wrote a book which came out in May called To End a Presidency: The Power of Impeachment. The book “addresses one of today’s most urgent questions: when and whether to impeach a president.”

This is definitely an unbiased Professor just teaching a regular run-of-the mill course. It costs nearly $100,000 per year to go to Harvard Law School, and this is the education they’re offering? Hard pass.

The post Harvard Adds Anti-Republican Course for Fall 2019 appeared first on RedState.


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