CNN’s White House correspondent Jim Acosta and his home network aren’t pulling any punches when it comes to nailing President Donald Trump for the recent bomb packages that were intended for Democrats.
Acosta watched Trump speak on the bombs but was upset when Trump didn’t mention the bomb delivered to CNN headquarters. He also seemed angry that Trump criticized the media’s coverage of the matter. It’s little wonder Trump did as CNN has been using this as a way to score political points on Trump since the news broke.
“Trump talked about the bombs sent to former public officials at his rally in Wisconsin. But once again he didn’t mention CNN. On top of all that he criticized the “media” for coverage, he doesn’t like. And, of course, he took no responsibility for his own rhetoric,” tweeted Acosta.
Trump talked about the bombs sent to former public officials at his rally in Wisconsin. But once again he didn’t mention CNN. On top of all that he criticized the “media” for coverage he doesn’t like. And, of course, he took no responsibility for his own rhetoric.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) October 25, 2018
Of course, Acosta seems to have forgotten how he and CNN treated the Trump family when Donald Trump Jr. received a package filled with white powder and exploded in his wife’s face, forcing she and members of her staff to be rushed to the hospital. Accompanying the powder was a note that read “You’re an awful person and now you get what you deserve.”
Luckily, the powder ended up being harmless.
“Jim, did you or your colleagues take any responsibility for your rhetoric in constantly calling my family Racists and Nazis for 2 years when my wife actually opened an exploding envelope of white powder intended for me?” tweeted Don Jr. “What about when it happened to my brother?”
Jim, did you or your colleagues take any responsibility for your rhetoric in constantly calling my family Racists and Nazis for 2 years when my wife actually opened an exploding envelope of white powder intended for me? What about when it happend to my brother?
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 25, 2018
That anyone is sent bombs or white powder is despicable no matter which side of the aisle you belong to, but the media’s handling of this situation is indeed gross. Not long ago there would be a coming together when people were threatened with death, but now it appears to be a way to shame your opponents.
We’re very lucky that no one has died yet, but if people did die, how would the media handle it if it was somebody on the right? They don’t seem overly concerned.
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