
‘Have a great weekend everyone!’ Mitch McConnell Posts Epic Troll of Kavanaugh Elevator Protesters

- Oktober 13, 2018

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) posted a series of tweets Thursday touting the success of the GOP-controlled Senate in approving President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees which culminated with the confirmation of 15 judges on Thursday that was preceded by the confirmation–after a scorched earth battle by liberals–of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. With those votes, which were agreed to in a deal with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D_NY), Senate business is finished until after the November 6 mid-term elections, however, pro-forma sessions will be held.

The tweets started out normal enough with McConnell posting a rah-rah list of judicial nomination accomplishments over two tweets. The third tweet in the thread is a GIF of a triumphant McConnell waving goodbye–from a Senate elevator. A five finger version of the one finger salute to the Soros paid protesters who besieged Republican senators at Senate elevators for photo and video ops during the Kavanaugh fight.

The still image does not do justice to the GIF below.

“The Senate has confirmed President Trump’s judicial nominees at a historic pace – 84 total, including Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, 29 circuit judges, and 53 district court judges…Nearly one out of every six circuit court of appeals judges has been appointed by and confirmed by this Republican Senate…Have a great weekend everyone!”




The post ‘Have a great weekend everyone!’ Mitch McConnell Posts Epic Troll of Kavanaugh Elevator Protesters appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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