
Far Left Teacher Who Smeared Top Trump Official Stephen Miller for ‘Eating Glue’ Is Suspended

- Oktober 13, 2018

The far left teacher who smeared top Trump official and speechwriter Stephen Miller for allegedly “eating glue” was suspended.

Nikki Fiske is a registered Democrat who supports liberal causes.
She was placed on “home assignment” after the release of personal information.

The LA Times reported:

A teacher who recounted how a senior aide to President Trump ate glue as a third-grader is in trouble with her employers.

The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District has placed veteran teacher Nikki Fiske on “home assignment” while it decides what to do, if anything, about disclosures she made about a young Stephen Miller.

Miller, 33, has grown up to be a senior advisor to Trump. But his prospects did not appear so promising to Fiske when Miller was a student in her classroom at Franklin Elementary School.

“Do you remember that character in Peanuts, the one called Pig Pen, with the dust cloud and crumbs flying all around him? That was Stephen Miller at 8,” Fiske recounted in an article posted Wednesday by the Hollywood Reporter. “I was always trying to get him to clean up his desk — he always had stuff mashed up in there.”

And there was a problem with glue.

“He would pour the glue on his arm, let it dry, peel it off and then eat it,” she said. “He was a strange dude.”

The school district’s concern is “about her release of student information, including allegations that the release may not have complied with applicable laws and district policies,” said district spokeswoman Gail Pinsker…

Fiske, 72, is a registered Democrat who, based on her Facebook account, supports causes associated with liberals and progressives, such as gun control and halting the killing of dogs for meat in China.

She could not be reached for comment Thursday night.

The post Far Left Teacher Who Smeared Top Trump Official Stephen Miller for ‘Eating Glue’ Is Suspended appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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