
James Woods Torches Anti-Kavanaugh Actress Alyssa Milano for ‘Bill Clinton, I Love You So Much’ Tweet

- Oktober 09, 2018

James Woods (recently freed from Twitter jail after standing his ground against Twitter censorship of conservatives) lit up fellow actor Alyssa Milano with  contrasting images exposing her hypocrisy when it comes to Republicans and Democrats accused of sexual abuse of women.

Alyssa Milano, center, at the Kavanaugh-Ford hearing, September 27, 2018, screen photo by Kristinn Taylor.

Woods posted an October 2 Huffington Post headline about a CNN op-ed by Milano: “Alyssa Milano: ‘Sexual Predators’ Trump And Kavanaugh Can’t Be Face Of Our Nation.” Subhead: The actress and activist, who attended Kavanaugh’s hearing last Thursday, denounced the judge’s Supreme Court bid in a fiery op-ed”.

Below that is an image of a tweet Milano posted on September 6, 2012 that says, “Bill Clinton, I love you so  much. Like crazy amounts of love.” Woods, dryly commented, “#Conundrum”.

Unlike the uncorroborated allegations against Justice Kavanaugh and President Trump, former President Bill Clinton is a documented sexual abuser of women in the workplace, with a DNA test proving he left his semen all over the front of the dress of a White House intern in the Oval Office complex. Clinton later told his attack dog Sidney Blumenthal that the intern, Monica Lewinsky, was a stalker, according to the late journalist Christopher Hitchens, in an effort to smear her in the press.

Milano had a battlefield conversion about Bill Clinton last week in an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Thursday.


The post James Woods Torches Anti-Kavanaugh Actress Alyssa Milano for ‘Bill Clinton, I Love You So Much’ Tweet appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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