
Senate Democratic Candidate: “I Don’t Care” if People Go Fight for the Taliban Against US (VIDEO)

- Oktober 13, 2018

Democrat Kyrsten Sinema is the gift that keeps on giving.

The far left Democrat and Arizona Senate candidate is an enemy of the United States.
No wonder the Democrats are running her!

In a 2003 radio interview — just two years after the 9-11 attacks — Sinema said “I don’t care” if Americans want to go fight for the Taliban.

FOX News reported:

U.S. Democratic Senate hopeful Kyrsten Sinema said “I don’t care” if people go and fight for the Taliban in Afghanistan in a newly resurfaced radio interview and co-hosted a radio show with a conspiracy theorist who claimed the September 11, 2001 terror attacks were perpetrated by the government, Fox News can reveal.

Sinema appeared on a radio show in February 2003 hosted by Ernest Hancock, a libertarian activist who presented “The Valley of the Sun” program on a local Arizona radio station.

During the interview, Sinema told the host that she didn’t object to individuals going abroad and fighting for groups hostile to the U.S.

“As an individual, if I want to go fight in the Taliban army, I go over there, and I’m fighting for the Taliban, I’m saying that’s a personal decision,” Hancock told Sinema, who was then a Green Party activist.

“Fine. I don’t care if you go and do that, go ahead,” she replied, according to the audio recording obtained by Fox News.

The post Senate Democratic Candidate: “I Don’t Care” if People Go Fight for the Taliban Against US (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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