
Facebook Eliminates Top Conservative Accounts but Antifa Terrorists Still have Free Rein

- November 02, 2018

In early October Facebook purged several conservative sites just four weeks before the election and without warning.

Brian Kolfage, a triple amputee, had his page Right Wing News taken down without warning. This was after Brian spent $300,000 in advertising on Facebook this past year.

Jared Vallorani founder and CEO of Klicked Media who provides hosting and web support to several conservative websites told The Gateway Pundit that several of his clients had their Facebook pages removed on Thursday. Many of the pages had hundreds of thousands of followers. Jared refers to yesterday as “Black Thursday.”

And then earlier this week Facebook banned dozens of conservative accounts and groups associated with the Proud Boys.

This comes after a Proud Boys brawl with Antifa terrorists outside the Manhattan Republican Club last month.

But dozens of violent far left domestic terrorist Facebook pages are still active.

Far Left Watch reported:

Facebook recently decided to ban Gavin McInnes and multiple accounts associated with the “Proud Boys” stating that those accounts were “hate groups” and violated their policies on “hate speech”. As we have previously documented, Facebook and the other large social media monopolies selectively enforce their Terms Of Service and in most cases they are only applied to right-of-center accounts.

After hearing about the latest purge from Facebook we checked on some of the more violent far-left accounts that we monitor and unsurprisingly, no action had been taken against multiple antifa accounts that openly advocate fro the murder of President Trump and who use Facebook to radicalize, recruit, and mobilize new members. One recent example that demonstrates this double standard is the failure of Facebook to take action against the violent far-left extremist group, Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement. Just last week, this antifa group shared an “anti-gentrification” poster that encouraged people to burn down luxury housing developments. They instructed their five thousand Facebook followers to print this poster and spread it around.

Read the rest here.

The post Facebook Eliminates Top Conservative Accounts but Antifa Terrorists Still have Free Rein appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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