
Midterm 2018 – UTAH House: Mia Love (R) In Tight Race With Ben McAdams (D)

- November 02, 2018

Republican activists should send a little love to Mia Love. The Utah Republican is fighting a tough race against Democrat Ben McAdams, a former Utah state senator and mayor.

FOX News reports:

Utah GOP Rep. Mia Love faces tough re-election fight

In a midterm cycle where President Trump has repeatedly warned voters about the dangers of Democratic policies turning the U.S. into Venezuela, there’s one competitive House district where something his team did in Venezuela looms large.

“Bringing Joshua home and working with the State Department was a big issue,” Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, said about Joshua Holt, previously jailed in Venezuela and recently freed. “Bringing a Utahan home after being in prison for two years.”

Love is the only black Republican woman in Congress, and her re-election bid is being challenged by Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams.

The race is a dead heat, according to a recent New York Times poll.

Love says she sees widespread support for permanent tax cuts in the district. Why are her chances of re-election in peril?

“This one is particularly close right now because of all of the lies that have been put out there by Democrats,” Love said.

McAdams is using the closing days of this campaign to bring attention to accusations of financial improprieties by Love’s team.

“The FEC has informed her she raised almost $1 million illegally,” McAdams said. “She’s coming back saying, ‘It wasn’t a million, it’s only $400,000. The reality is she broke that law.”

Love claims she’s been cleared.

KUTV has actually put McAdams in the lead:

EXCLUSIVE POLL: 4th Congressional District race between Love, McAdams widens by 6 points

An exclusive poll by KUTV 2News and Dixie Strategies with voters in Utah’s 4th Congressional District reports a 6 point lead for Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams over Republican incumbent Rep. Mia Love.

The responses to the survey were gathered October 25, 2018, with a sample size of 936 likely voters. It’s the first poll to report McAdams in the lead.

The Love/McAdams race is Utah’s most heated with New York Times Upshot poll released Friday that had the contenders tied at 45-45 percent, with 9 percent undecided — and a 4.7 percent margin of error.

One notable thing is not happening in this race. No one is accusing Ben McAdams of being a racist for running against an African-American woman. If the parties were switched, don’t you believe that would be happening?

Send some love to Love if you can. She needs support to win this race!


The post Midterm 2018 – UTAH House: Mia Love (R) In Tight Race With Ben McAdams (D) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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