
Fox News Sides with CNN Over White House Revocation of Acosta’s Press Pass

- November 15, 2018

Fox News added its hefty clout on the side of CNN following the fractious conflict between President Trump and an increasingly belligerent Jim Acosta, the senior White House correspondent for CNN. The fight over a microphone between Acosta and an intern led to his press credentials being revoked by Secret Service, an act which CNN has since filed a lawsuit.

The president of Trump’s favorite network, Jay Wallace, put out a statement on Wednesday siding with their fellow news outlet.

FOX News supports CNN in its legal effort to regain its White House reporter’s press credential. We intend to file an amicus brief with the U.S. District Court. Secret Service passes for working White House journalists should never be weaponized. While we don’t condone the growing antagonistic tone by both the President and the press at recent media avails, we do support a free press, access and open exchanges for the American people.

This is an honorable move by Fox News, regardless of whether one believes the president has the right to rescind an individual’s bona fides into the press pool. Shortly after President Barack Obama took office, the administration attempted to keep Fox News journalists from obtaining the necessary credential. CNN was one of the major networks who took the side of Fox and ultimately pressured the Obama White House to let the network in.

If nothing else, hopefully Acosta — who has a penchant for blatant partisanship and a perpetual escalation of his ego — has figured out where the line of decorum is even when you despise the person in charge.

And, yes, I am saying there is a double standard for how a president (of anything) can act to that of a representative of the press. I don’t like Trump’s overall vibe either, but for Pete’s sake, be better.

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