
Dictionary.com Drops Feminist Anti-Male Poem, Suggests We “Fear” Women

- April 05, 2019

You’d figure a site dedicated to giving you definitions and synonyms to words would be safe from the ravages of the social justice nonsense being forced unto an unwilling public, but you’d be horribly wrong. Dictionary.com is spreading feminist philosophies now as well.

In a video titled “Unteaching “Boys Will Be Boys” And “Boys Don’t Cry”,” a woman sits in front of a camera during a “we asked, you answered” video, and proceeds to recite a poem, presumably written by the speaker, about how it’s not okay to say phrases like “boys don’t cry” or “boys will be boys.” 

The poem then suggests that assigning genders is wrong, and how we associate the phrase with “a touch unwanted” with the “boys will be boys” phrase. It also advised that if you ever “meet a chauvinist fool” to tell him “his behavior simply isn’t cool.”

The woman in the video then says women are “to be respected, if not feared,” then asked that if it weren’t for women would you even be here?

Here’s the poem in its entirety:

It’s not OK to say, “boys don’t cry.”

It’s not helpful, and it’s a total lie.

What are we saying to our boys? Our men?

That shedding tears makes you less masculine?

On assigning gender, where it does not fit here’s another to add to the list: boys will be boys.

It’s how we explain a glance. A touch unwanted.

We’re saying it’s OK. It’s expected.

If ever you do meet a chauvinist fool, tell him his behavior is simply not cool

that women are to be respected, if not feared.

In fact, if not for women, would you even be here?

To be fair, no one would be here if it weren’t for men either. It takes two to tango, after all.

The social justice verbiage laced throughout this poem automatically puts men into the “toxic masculinity” column, never talking about the positives of men, but only listing what feminists see as the negatives. It also tends to over-revere women, even suggesting we fear them as some kind of authority figure.

Dictionary.com seems to delve into these kinds of socio-political issues from time to time. In one video, a woman gives a history of the Republican Party and suggests — not so subtly — that people would be surprised to know that Republicans used to not be as racist as they are today.

Dictionary.com also released a video that explains how the word “slut” is actually an empowering term for women.

Dictionary.com has apparently left behind any idea of being a neutral educational tool.


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