
WATCH: AOC Shares “Thoughts” on, Like, the Draft While Crunching Away on Instagram

- April 05, 2019

She’s the gift that keeps on giving, right?

Last night, social media darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, held forth on Instagram Live while assembling furniture and enjoying some wine and popcorn (or some sort of snack of the crunchy variety).

When questioned as to her opinion regarding a “female draft,” Ocasio-Cortez ruminated then responded:

“Um…(*cromch* *cromch*)…would you support a female draft? So long as we have a draft (*cromch* *cromch*) I support…people of all genders being drafted…equality.”

Or, is that “Ahhggquality”?

Setting aside the fact that the way she phrased her response almost made it seem as though she’s under the mistaken impression that we currently do have a draft (not to mention the intersectional nod to the non-binariness of gender), the expounding through popcorn chomping really conveys her gravitas, no?

For some reason, I’m reminded of this:

(Note: I am not calling AOC “a dog.” She’s an attractive young lady, politics notwithstanding. It’s just that her cromching habits called the above to mind.)


Follow Susie on Twitter @SmoosieQ

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