
Bill Barr and Department of Justice Tells Fat Jerry Nadler Where He Can Put His Subpoenas

- Mei 02, 2019

Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, joined at left by, Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla., Rep. Bradley Schneider, D-Ill., and Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., prepare to walk out of the hearing room briefly after waiting Republican members of the committee to arrive more than an hour after the scheduled start time for a markup session, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, June 26, 2018. The panel was meeting on their months-long standoff with the Justice Department on the request by the Republican-controlled committee for documents related to the origins of the FBI’s Russia investigation and the handling of its probe into Democrat Hillary Clinton’s emails. Democrats charge the subpoena undermines special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s Russia ties and whether there was obstruction of justice. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Today Attorney General Bill Barr underwent questioning by the Senate Judiciary Committee. He was scheduled to appear before the House Judiciary Committee tomorrow but that does not seem to be in the offing.

This is the statement released by the Justice Department:

About the same time, Justice responded to a subpoena for the full, un-redacted Mueller report by essentially telling Fat Jerry to, as my old man was fond of saying, want in one hand and sh** in the other and see which one gets full the fastest.

Nadler got all stompy-feet and claimed that Barr was “blackmailing” his committee

The Democrats and their fluffers are making all kinds of noise about jail and fines. That is simply nonsense. The House has to depend upon the Department of Justice to enforce any type of criminal contempt citation. If you think that is going to happen, you might want to research what happened to Eric Holder. In theory, the House can bring a civil complaint against Barr but by the time it makes it onto a docket, and is finally adjudicated, Nadler will be gumming pudding and wondering where he put his 46 x 22 trousers.

This is a preview of what the next year is going to be like. The Administration is going to stonewall the efforts by the various House committees and their leftwing jihadis. Every request is going to end up in court. At some point the clock is going to run out because after the 2020 election, no one will care about the Mueller report or Trump’s taxes. And if they keep on like this, there many not even be a Democrat House when President Trump is sworn in.

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