
Brazilian Faith Healer Accused of Breathtaking Crimes Has One Very Famous Client You’ll Want to Know About

- Mei 02, 2019

60 Minutes Australia — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtsNfy1eVMA



Here’s an interesting story with an intriguing connection.

In December, I covered the predicament of faith healer John of God (here).

The elderly Brazilian — whose real name is João Teixeira de Faria — was wanted by authorities on charges of sex abuse. Moreover, he was being accused of victimizing hundreds of women.

As reported by the Daily Mail:

More than 600 women in Brazil came forward after a late night chat show where ten accused Joao Teixeira de Faria, 77, of sexually abusing them at his clinic, Casa de Dom Inacio de Loyola in Abadiania, Brazil.

At the time, the psychic surgeon made a public appearance in order to assure his followers that he — like someone who’d showered with Irish Spring — was clean as a whistle:

“Brothers and my dear sisters, I thank God for being here. I want to comply with Brazilian law. I am in the hands of the law. John of God is still alive.”

Well, now there’s more. And the 77-year-old is in bigger trouble.

Back to the DM:

Now the activist Sabrina Bittencourt — whose investigations lead to [John’s] arrest — claims he operated a sick “farming” operation which exported babies on the black market.

Sabrina says the babies were sold for tens of thousands:

Bittencourt told the Mirror that Faria shipped babies to at least three continents for as much as $52,000 after luring teenage girls to his emerald mines and farms in Goias and Minas Gerais.

The destitute girls, between the ages of 14-18, were allegedly promised food by Faria who then used them as sex slaves and forced them to have his children.

But it gets even worse:

Bittencourt alleges that once they had given birth and the babies sold…Faria would murder the women.

Good grief!

She expounded:

“Hundreds of girls were enslaved over years, lived on farms in Goias, served as wombs to get pregnant, for their babies to be sold. These girls were murdered after ten years of giving birth. We have got a number of testimonies.”

Among the 600 women who came forward was John’s adult daughter, Dalva Teixeira.

Dalva explained to the magazine Veja that her “monster” father — under the pretense of healing treatment — raped her from the age of 10 to 14.

Allegedly, he stopped when she became pregnant; he beat her so badly, she miscarried.

John skipped the deadline to turn himself in and attempted to withdraw $8.9 million.

The mystical doctor — who claims his powers come from the Biblical Solomon, King of Israel — eventually released a video on December 16th, with an announcement:

“I surrendered to divine justice – and, as promised, I now place myself in the hands of earthly justice.”

So came the cuffs. At his home, cops discovered lots of emeralds and a suitcase filled with $300,000.

The good doctor had a strange way of healing people:

During his surgeries he used bizarre methods such as shoving metal instruments up people’s noses until they nearly touch the brain, as well as operating without anaesthetic. Australia’s 60 minutes program reported that he took scalpels to people’s eyeballs and pushed knives down people’s throats.

He used legitimate medical instruments to carry out his strange procedures which he told the programme could remove tumours.

They also described how he had raked in millions from the sale of pills which were analysed and found to contain nothing more than passionflower essence.

John came to special prominence thanks to Oprah featuring him on her show in 2010. After a visit to his retreat, she described her experience as “blissful.”

More from the Daily Mail:

In a since-deleted column on oprah.com, Winfrey wrote that she was overwhelmed by the experience of seeing him cut into the breast of a woman without anesthesia and that she left feeling “an overwhelming sense of peace.”

But perhaps his most notable celebrity association is this…

As reported by the Mirror:

Celebrities including Oprah, Bill Clinton and Naomi Campbell are reported to have visited the medium.

Oh yes.

Courtesy of NBC News:

Joao Teixeira de Faria’s website says he has treated former U.S. President Bill Clinton and Brazil’s ex-President Luiz Inacio da Silva.

And as per MSN:

The elderly medium…has been interviewed by Oprah and has treated Bill Clinton…

It’s not exactly the kind of association to beef up a fantastic legacy. But it’s there, and something tells me this story isn’t going away any time soon.



Relevant RedState links in this article: here.

See 3 more pieces from me:

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Ohio Democrat Advocates Race-Based Extermination? Pushes To Exempt Black Babies From The State’s Pro-Life Law

Find all my RedState work here.

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