
BOOM: Police Report Filed Against PA Democratic State Rep. Over His Harassment of Pro-Life Teenagers

- Mei 11, 2019

PA State Rep. Brian Sims (D). Source: Life News HQ.

Democratic state Rep. Brian Sims (PA) thought he could get away with bullying an elderly pro-life woman and praying teenagers outside of a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood into silence.

But the mother of two of the teenagers has let him know through law enforcement channels that legally he may have bitten off more than he could chew.

CBS Philadelphia reports:

[Mother]Ashley Garecht didn’t know Sims was an elected official until Monday, but the April 18 confrontation outside of Planned Parenthood has caused national outrage.

Garecht says she was out front of the Planned Parenthood facility located on the corner of 12th and Locust Streets in Center City with her 13- and-15-year-old daughters and their 15-year-old friend when Sims approached them.

According to Garecht, they were “primarily there to pray.”

“I was concerned to keep my girls safe,” Garecht said. “I thought it was very important that I stay calm for their sake. Out of an abundance of caution, we did file a report with our local police because our children were trying to be identified on the internet.”

A part of me was hoping either she or the senior citizen he harassed (or both) would file a police report. Because not only has he not been apologetic, Sims is an elected official and he was very clearly trying to infringe on the First Amendment rights of others to peacefully protest. Not only that, but he endangered those girls’ lives with his $100 social media offer to have them doxxed.

Thousands of people have called for Sims to resign over the incidents, and the Pennsylvania state Republican party has called for an investigation into his actions.

On top of that, Sims’s despicable behavior backfired spectacularly, and inspired Garecht’s husband Joe – the father of the two teenagers – to start a GoFundMe page to help support local pro-life efforts. As of this writing, nearly $120,000 has been raised.

A pro-life rally was held today at the Planned Parenthood where Sims harassed the teenagers and elderly woman. Over 1,000 people gathered to hear pro-life warriors like Abby Johnson, Lila Rose, and Matt Walsh speak.

Sims was invited to the rally, but did not attend.

—Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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