
Hundreds of Patriots Protest Ilhan Omar at CAIR Fundraiser In Bellevue, Washington (VIDEO)

- Mei 26, 2019

Photo by Andy Ngo

Outspoken Muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar was the keynote speaker at a fundraiser for the Washington chapter of the Council On American Islamic Relations (CAIR) on Saturday, May 25th. Yes, Memorial Day weekend. Despite the rain that persisted into the evening, a group of pro Trump patriots organized a protest out front of the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, just across the street from Microsoft headquarters, across a lake from Seattle. Their protest was countered by a small group of low energy, burned out hippies, who were mostly all white, screaming “RACIST” and all of the other usual rhetoric at the pro Trump side, which featured several Jews, blacks, Asians, young and old, straight and gay.

The event was titled “Un-Apologetically US: Building MUSLIM POWER For 2020 & Beyond”

Can you imagine the liberal heads exploding if Trump supporters put on an event called “Building White Christian Power For 2020”?

Portland based journalist Andy Ngo took the trip northward to cover the dueling protests.

One of the Patriots describes himself as a queer Jew, and was somehow called a nazi by the Ilhan Omar supporters, while a Jewish woman who had escaped Communism explains why she’s standing up to Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism.

An Asian patriot says he’s there to defend America and that he won’t back down.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the fence, the supporters of Ilhan Omar’s hateful, anti American rhetoric were not very appreciative of non pre approved media covering their side of the protest.

Radio show host Jason Rantz was also on hand and captured these nuggets:

Meanwhile, inside the event, Omar spoke to the hijab clad crowd. Only certain media was allowed in. Pictures by Washington CAIR chapter:

Here is video of the Muslim crowd’s reception for the anti-American lawmaker.

The post Hundreds of Patriots Protest Ilhan Omar at CAIR Fundraiser In Bellevue, Washington (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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