
Morning Joe Hosts Slam Trump Over Sexual Harassment but Work To Rehabilitate the Career of Sexual Harasser Mark Halperin

- Mei 04, 2019

Hard for the hosts to deny while they are providing the evidence to support the claims.

Anyone who watches the MSNBC early news program Morning Joe (a job requirement for us, at times) is aware that hosts Joe Scarborough, and especially Mika Brzezinski, are particular animated when it comes to cases of sexual harassment. Well — slight correction. Cases of harassment alleged upon those on the right. When it is a member of the liberal herd who is accused suddenly their firm stances shift to something more interpretational.

Joe and Mika have no qualms mentioning how President Trump is a serial abuser, and they were in full throat last fall when Brett Kavanaugh was accused with laughably spurious accusations of harassment in high school. As recently as last week however Mika did a complete 180 on her stance that we should “believe all women”, when it came to the issue of Joe Biden possibly being a serial harasser. Suddenly the women were exaggerating and not worthy of discussion, as she and Joe rose to the VP’s defense.

The Daily Beast has come out with a report that declared when it came to another proven male predator the two hosts were sympathetic to his plight and attempted to aid in resuscitating his career. It was in the Fall of 2017 when Mark Halperin, a frequent member of the Morning Joe panel, was revealed by numerous women to have engaged in inappropriate sexual advances and creating a hostile work environment. This resulted in his being removed from the program, fired from another job on a cable news program, and losing a book deal.

In the ensuing years Halperin had initially disappeared, but of late he has been gradually cultivating a return to relevance. According to the TDB report, Halperin has been making overtures to various individuals who may assist in bringing him back to a level of public exposure. Among those looking to lend him support — Joe & Mika, those moral authorities with little tolerance for sexual predators.

Last year, ahead of the midterm elections, the hosts had planned on creating an online program to cover the various races, with Halperin contributing. They did so without first being granted approval to include the deposed pundit.

According to multiple sources at MSNBC—which, along with NBC News, dismissed Halperin as an on-air political analyst when the allegations surfaced—the network scrapped a plan for the Morning Joe anchors last fall to collaborate with Halperin on an online-only program analyzing the 2018 midterms. According to these sources, Scarborough and Brzezinski didn’t seek prior approval to involve their friend and former regular panelist in the show, and colleagues reacted with surprise and concern when they got wind of the scheme. “Everybody was going ‘WTF!,’” said one MSNBC insider.

It was early last month when Mika included a segment on their morning program about an appearance Halperin made on Sirius XM Radio. He sat in with Michael Smerconish, and Mika warmly detailed Halperin’s efforts at rebuilding his reputation. Then just this morning Mika’s paramour Joe Scarborough — possibly oblivious to the Daily Beast report that had been filed Thursday in the evening — hilariously substantiated the article.

Joe all but confirmed the article when he tweeted out a link to an article that Halperin wrote, on Halperin’s own blog, Wide World Of News.

Overall, you have to think things could improve significantly for Mark Halperin. If you recall, Mika and Joe were very energetic in their promoting of sexual abuser Donald Trump during the 2016 primaries. That turned out to be a rather positive conclusion for him.

The post Morning Joe Hosts Slam Trump Over Sexual Harassment but Work To Rehabilitate the Career of Sexual Harasser Mark Halperin appeared first on RedState.


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