
Republicans Scoff at Don Jr. Subpoena While Democrats Suggest Prison Time

- Mei 10, 2019

I posted yesterday about the Senate Intelligence committee subpoenaing Donald Trump Jr. for reasons that aren’t clear to anyone. This is especially perplexing because noted squish Republican Sen. Richard Burr is the chairman. He’s already talked to Don Jr. for 9 hours and told him he wouldn’t have to come back.

What’s changed? What new evidence has sprung forth that overrides to the conclusions in the Mueller report, requiring yet more testimony? Speculatively, this has liberal Sen. Mark Warner’s name written all over it. Burr has always been a sucker for Senate decorum and bi-partisanship. Democrats would of course never capitulate in this way if the shoe was on the other foot.

Republicans are starting to react and they aren’t too happy about it.

Weak is a good way to describe this.

The irony is that Burr, despite being extremely accommodating to the other side, has been relentlessly savaged by the press and Democrats over his handling of the investigation. He was maligned as a hack for briefing the White House on his on the matter just last year. When Burr correctly noted that they had found no evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy, he was challenged by Mark Warner directly.

You’d think Burr wouldn’t be keen to keep indulging this nonsense but you’d apparently be wrong.

Sen. Lindsey Graham had this to say.

This is the right answer, at least for Don Jr. personally. Noway should he reappear before a committee he’s already spoken nine hours to. The only reason Democrats want him back is to try to catch him in a perjury trap based on his previous testimony. There will be no new information provided because we already know everything. The idea that the Senate Intel committee has figured something out that Mueller didn’t is laughable.

Meanwhile, Democrats are talking about sending Don Jr. to prison because they apparently have a fetish for jailing political opponents now.

Hopefully, by stark warning this ABC reporter actually means unhinged nonsense. When Hillary associates defied subpoenas during 2016, did Blumenthal ever call for prison time? Of course he didn’t.

We also got this hilarious shot and chaser from resident “conservative” at the Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin.

You see, now it’s cool to demand jail time for your political opponents. Doing so back in 2016 toward Hillary? Well, that was completely out of bounds. Consistency isn’t their thing.

I don’t know where this is going to go. Don Jr. can’t just ignore the subpoena because he doesn’t qualify for executive privilege like Don McGahn does. What he can do is challenge it legally or plead the 5th. If he can produce proof that the Senate did tell him he wouldn’t have to come back, that might also be valuable.

No matter what, noway would I reappear without a fight.


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