
Perfect! Arrogant Never-Trump Idiot Jeff Flake Is Heading to Harvard

- Juni 20, 2019

Former US Senator Jeff Flake from Arizona spent his final days in the US Senate trashing Republican President Donald Trump.

Before he left the Senate Flake said somebody within the GOP needed to challenge President Trump in 2020.

Flake said in March he prefers a Democrat to win in 2020 over President Trump.

Flake is a putz.

But now Flake is heading to Harvard as a resident fellow in politics.
Because Jeff Flake is a genius.

What a joke.
SFGate reported:

Former U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake, who famously tangled with President Donald Trump, is heading to Harvard University.

The Arizona Republican is among six new resident fellows who will join Harvard’s Institute of Politics this fall.

Flake was one of Trump’s most vocal GOP adversaries in the Senate before leaving the chamber in December after declining to seek reelection to a second term.

The post Perfect! Arrogant Never-Trump Idiot Jeff Flake Is Heading to Harvard appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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